Young Deke

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He was an odd child that was for sure.  Deke was always gifted,  he could understand engineering and his mom taught him a lot about stars and the human body.  But he was also a strong child.  He had to be. Here in the future people didn't survive of they were weak.  The combination of his mind and strength caused for Deke  to often come across trouble. His mother had to keep a close watch on her son.  If he spoke to intelligently in front of the knee his life would be in danger.  However since the boy learned to walk,  he wandered. There were many things in the lighthouse which were a threat to adults. Let alone young children. It was shortly after level three was closed off that Deke went missing,  which caused a mass panic for his mother and father. His mom asked all around the work areas for her little boy while his father approached the knee asking if they knew.  While searching his dad learned level 3 was recently accessed and got clearance for him and his wife to check if Deke had wandered to the level which was on lock down.  Tears filled his mom's eyes as they headed down in the elevator.  No one survived level three.  When the doors opened the terrified parents stepped out and began calling their sons name.  They agreed splitting up would be dangerous but they could cover more ground.  His mom peaked around a corner before hearing a yelp.  Her sons yelp.

  She ran in the direction of the sound and when she got there she saw a small,  baby roach tied up and behind a makeshift cages bar.  Deke had a scratch on his cheek and his pocketknife in hand.  "Deke" she breathes running to her son.  "Owen I found him!!!" she called pulling the eight year old into her arms.  "mooom" he complained as she kissed his cheek.  "I was worried sick about you! What are you doing here!!!" she shouted.  "I heard the people talking about how this level was shut down because of roaches.  And that the kree were going to make everyone pay more for it...  We're poor enough and dads never around because he's always working.  I thought if I could kill the roaches then we'd not have to pay as much" the young boy reasoned.  His mom fought back some tears. "Deke...  Please don't try to be a hero okay" she said weakly.  "I know you're a good boy.  And you don't want people to hurt,  but I can't lose you. Not like I lost my mom and died.  Both of them died trying to save people...  We dont live in a world that's safe Deke.  So promise me you'll be a good boy... A good man but you'll never risk your life like this again okay?" Deke looked up at his mom "promise me" she begged.  He shook his head no.  "I don't want people to hurt mom... And if fighting monster's is what I have to do... Then I'll do it" he stated bravely. "Sometimes you're to much like my dad for your own good" she signed kissing his forehead. "let's go home okay?" she said softly as Owen joined them.  Deke nodded "I like home" he smiled

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