Part 1/20: Roll Call

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"HAJIME WE'RE GONNA BE LATE GET UP!" Samon screamed, knocking the bald man upside the head multiple times before he managed to get him to move.

   The alarm clock had been beeping for ten minutes, ten minutes late.

   "We ARE late..." Hajime growled back at Samon, Samon didn't fight back however. He was too busy scrambling around getting his things together.

   This trip had been planned ever since the school year ended, they still managed to become behind.

They were suppose to be at the school half an hour ago.

"HAJIME! GET UP!" Hajime was yanked out of bed, and forced to get dressed by Samons scary wrath. Hajimes' fingers went numb after being dragged across the floor. "If you aren't dressed by the time I come back Ha—"

"Are you threatening me?"


* * *

Jyugo was standing at the front door of the school alone. His face buried into his knees. It wasn't too long after Jyugo lifted his head, when Samon and Hajime came rushing to the school doors.

Knowing that Jyugo would be there alone.

"Hey Jyugo, you're early, like always." Samon said, smiling softly as he reached for Jyugos' hand.

"Mom had things to do so she dropped me off early..." He mumbled, almost silently. Samon had to translate it to Hajime.

"Are you hungry?" Samon reached in his pocket, and grabbed the bag of trail mix he had packed especially for Jyugo.

Jyugo smiled at Samon, and nodded.

"I didn't get to eat before I left..."

"Good thing I packed that huh?" Samon chuckled quietly, then gave Jyugo a pat on the head.

   Hajime sat and watched, smiling without thinking watching Jyugo smile at Samon.

   He noticed Jyugo was a lot different when he was by himself, versus with Uno and the others.

   With his friends, he was all loud and happy, full of energy and always smiling.

   Whenever he was by himself, he was quiet, didn't try and do anything. Often solemn looking. His head was anywhere else but looking up.

Samon often brought up the fact how he was concerned about Jyugos' home life. However, being Jyugos' teacher made a lot of things complicated. Nonetheless Samon still worried.

"Are you excited Jyugo?" Hajime asked, shocking both Samon and Jyugo. Hajime didn't talk to the kids unless they were acting up.

Jyugo nodded, and continued to eat the mix given to him.

   Ten minutes.

   And parents came in, dropped the small ones off and left. Liang came in twirling and cheering as he ran toward Jyugo.

   "I missed you Jyugo! Are you excited to go?!" Liang asked, wrapping his small hands around Jyugo, hugged him tight into his chest and swung him around.

   "V-very!" Jyugo answered, a smile popped on his face as he swung Liang around as well.

"Ah! It's Jyugo!" Then came a crowd of small children, that embraced Jyugo tightly. All their cheeks squished together in the cute group hug.

Samon couldn't help but snap a quick picture of the group.

When they let Jyugo go, Jyugo gasped for breath.

   A little blush dusting his somewhat tanned cheeks.

"I missed you guys, at home, I don't have anyone to play with." Jyugo said, holding Uno tightly, exhibiting his pure excitement to see them all again.

Nanba Preschool: The Beach TripOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz