house Lannister

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Richard Lannister oldest son of tywin Lannister and heir of casterly rock and wielder of the Lannister valyrian steel sword brightroar and a lion design valyrian steel armor set

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Richard Lannister oldest son of tywin Lannister and heir of casterly rock and wielder of the Lannister valyrian steel sword brightroar and a lion design valyrian steel armor set. Richard is like his father in both mind and body but he is not as ruthless as his father for Richard takes prisoners and is a great military leader and warrior, is more merciful and he protects Tyrion from their father, he also gives Tyrion Castamere to be his castle while Richards cousin Lancel Lannister is given tarbeck hall as his castle. Richard protested against murdering Elia Martell and her children but tywin wouldn't listen to him so she and her children were murdered against Richard's wishes and when he was sent to dorne by his father who hoped that Richard's handsome features would cause Sita to fall in love with Richard thus securing dorne for house Lannister. but Richard who was angry at his father who went against his wishes concerning Elia and her children, so Richard decided to make peace with dorne and house Martell his way while somewhat obeying his father about Sita. upon arrival in Sunspear Richard is brought before Doran, oberyn and Ellaria, Sita, tyene, Obara, Nymeria and Trystane then Richard does something unexpected he kneels before the Martell family and he apologizes for house Lannister for their crimes during the sack of kingslanding including the murders of Elia and her children which he reveals that he wanted to spare them and send them back to dorne so Elia and her children would renounce theirs rights to the iron throne and then take her family name also Richard promise's them once he is lord paramount of the westerlands he would hand over Gregor Clegane to them as a peace offering in exchange for any plans for revenge against house Lannister to be stopped. the Martell family is moved by Richard's apology and request for mercy to his peace offering, prince Doran calls for Richard to stand and that he accepts his apology to his request for mercy to his peace offering even oberyn agrees. when Richard returns to Westeros from their adventures in Essos with Arthur and Artys, Richard tells his father that he made peace with dorne and the Martell's also the way he did it which does not impress tywin who is not pleased that his son and heir would kneel before the Martell's and that he would handed over one of his future best men to the dornish also that he failed to get princess Sita to marry him but Richard stands his ground and convinces his father that his way has ensured their house survival also that his wife of the Rogare family has ensured a new source of gold and trade, tywin is reluctant but see's his son's point.

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Mysaria Lannister nee Rogare wife of Richard

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Mysaria Lannister nee Rogare wife of Richard

Mysaria Lannister nee Rogare wife of Richard

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Richard's valyrian steel lion shaped armor

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