Part 22 end

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  Evan raced into the hospital. "Connor Murphy" he stated  to the receptionist. "Right this way" she stood up and lead Evan to Connors room. As she lead Evan there she explained the situation to Evan. What Evan got out of her explanation was that everyone was allowed in to talk to Connor but his condition wasn't great and they weren't sure how much longer he'd be alive. Cynthia, Larry, and Zoey were all already in the room beside Connor talking to him when Evan got there. "Connor?" Evan called Connor perked up slightly smiling as Cynthia made way for his Evan. He dropped down onto his knees at Connors bedside grabbing  his hand and holding it tightly. "Connor," Evans breath hitched. "Hey" Connor managed. He could see the tears welling in Evans eyes. "Ev, it's okay, breath" Connor said weakly squeezing Evans hand. "Evan just talk to me, okay?"
Evan steadied his breathing as much as he could nodding. "O-okay. Well..." Evan breathed shakily tears brimming at the corners of his eyes. Cynthia held Evans shoulder offering more comfort. "I'm almost finished our list" Evan told Connor. Connor smiled. "I know Ev, I could hear the whole time I was asleep. I heard every story, every joke, every I love you" Evans shoulders began to heave slightly as his breathing picked up again. "T-then I guess you heard that there's still some left." Evan guessed. "We still need to kiss on top of a Farris wheel and stargaze on a roof" Connor nodded. "Looks like those boxes just won't get a check mark" he said more sympathetic than sad. Evans breathing hitched again before he continued slightly more panicked. "Don't, don't say that Con. You'll be fine you'll survive. You'll be okay." Evan repeated himself stumbling over his words. "Then when they check you out I'll find us the closest fair and we can stargaze too and finish our summer bucket list together" Evan said trying to convince himself it would happen. Connor frowned squeezing Evans hand tighter again. "Evan," Connor sighed. "Evan I love you, and I need you to know that when I say that I mean it more than anything thing in the world" Connors grip on Evans hand grew slightly more limp. Evan chest began heaving as the tears spilled over his cheeks. "Connor please, you can't leave. I need you" Evan leaned closer to Connor crying so much it hurt. "I love you so, so much Connor Murphy" Evan told Connor between sobs. He looked up to Connors face. Connor smiled one last weak smile looking into Evans eyes. "I know, I love you too Evan Hansen"
Then the line on Connors heart monitor fell flat. His eyes slowly fluttered closed. Silence fell in the room as if the whole world was holding in Connors last breath, not ready to let him go.

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