Chapter 14: Kimberley

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The bell rang again signaling if you are not in your classroom by now, you’re late.   Blake and I have the same first class, Geometry. 

“Good morning class,” Mrs. Gregory, our teacher, came in holding stack of papers.  She’s in her middle ages and has short straight chestnut hair and chocolate brown eyes.  She wears a black pin straight skirt down to her knees and a gray blouse with a white shall over top of it.  Her heels were pointy black.   “Sorry I’m late, had to talk about the drug search we are having later today.”  I jerk my head up.  I curse under my breath.  My heart stops.  A drug search is when police come in and search through our lockers for drugs or alcohol, or weapons.

                “Excuse me, but why are we having a drug search today?”  A boy named Ethen asks. 

                “Well it seems that we found a senior taking drugs in the boy’s bathroom.  Teachers searched the locker and found more drugs.  He is suspended for a week but the community has advised that the school be searched for more drugs.”

                “So every locker will be checked?”  I look over to my left to see Blake ask that question.

                “Yes, every locker will be checked in,” she looks at her watch, “In approximately fifteen minutes.”

                I let out a sigh.  I put my arms on my desk to keep myself from falling forward, and to steady my heart.  “Kimberley,” Mrs. Gregory starts, “would you like to go to the bathroom you look a little pale.”  I hesitate for a minute then look at my teacher.  She has a concerned look on her face.  I swallow hard and nod.  She makes a head gesture to the doorway telling me to go. 

                I slide out of my seat and steadily walk towards the door.  I see, out of the corner of my eye Jason staring at me.  I don’t turn and face him though.  I keep walking to the door on the right side of the room. 

Once I’m out I wait till I’m out of sight then bolt down the halls to my locker.  It’s on the other side of the school.  I push my feet faster till I come to it.  My hands are so shaky I can barely tap my combination on the pad to open it.  I’m breathing heavily praying to god I have enough time to hide it.  I finally get my locker open.  I claw through all my papers and books before I find the knife.  I sigh relieved and stick it in my boot again.

I shut the locker and run back to the other side of the building back to my class.  I stop at a drinking fountain and take a sip before going back in the room.  I round the back of the classroom and find my seat in the middle. 

Mrs. Gregory is already putting the lesson up on the board when the bell rings.  Everyone stops what they’re doing and looks up at the speaker hologram in the room.  Mr. Foremen, the assistant principle, is talking.  “Attention, we are now going to start the drug search.  Could all students go to their lockers?  Could all teachers and staff members stand outside their classrooms please?  Thank you.”  The hologram and speaker shuts off and all of us rise to get to our lockers.  My knife feels like it weighs a ton, it’s like a rock weighing me down. 

I get to my locker and see Drake stand across from mine.  He’s hated me ever since I came to this school.  I stood up to him one day when he was bullying someone.  He thinks he’s better than everyone just because his dad is the top executive for a company.  I would pay anything to see him work a day, I think to myself.  Anyway, when I stood up to him I was the one to get in trouble.  He crosses his arms and grins at me with his eye brows narrowed.  I want to return the look so badly, but what will that do. Like Jason said I need to control my emotions, mostly my anger. 

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