Real or not Real pt. 2

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"Mommy, guess what we learned about at school!" Willow says excitingly "What?" I say mocking her enthusiasm. "You and Daddy!" she replies. It seems like my mind goes blank. I can feel my heart sink. I don't want my children to know about those horrible days. "Peeta, come here!" I yell. "What?" I hear him say coming down the stairs. He enters the kitchen. I look at Willow. "Tell Daddy what you learned at school today." I tell her. "We learned about you and Mommy!" she replys excitingly. I look at him. His eyes widen. "And what did you learn?" he says in a scared voice. "We learned that you and Mommy were almost killed by the evil President Snow and you had to fight to the death twice! And in the second game Heavensbee saved you Mommy. And Daddy got lost. And then you were reunited, got married and had me! My name was in the book! And they said Rye and Daisy's names would be in the next update!" she said. Peeta's face went white. He left the kitchen, ran upstairs, and went into the bedroom, and locked the door. "Stay here." I command Willow. I run upstairs, get the key to the door, open it, and run and hug Peeta who is now on his knees, sobbing. "It's okay" I say rubbing his hair. "It's okay" I repeat over and over until he stops crying. He looks up at me "I love you" he says. Before I could reply he kisses me. It seems like forever. Then he hugs me. "You know, they were gonna learn about it sooner or later." I tell him. "Yeah." he replies. Peeta picks me up and carries me downstairs. "What was that for?" I say when we reach the bottom. He answers me in a quick kiss. Then Willow hugs him. Peeta is so tall she only reaches his upper thigh. "I'm sorry" Willow says apologetically. "It's okay. It's not you're fault." Peeta says picking her up and spinning her around. She laughs as he throughs her up into the air and catches her. I go get Daisy and Rye who now need to be fed. Peeta picks up Rye. He kisses him on the forehead. He picks up Willow and puts each one of them on either hip. He kisses Daisy too. Then he kisses me. "Ew!" Willow shouts. We laugh and Peeta tickles her. She screams and laughs. "Mommy, you know, I know you never did anything bad in The Hunger Games. You either Daddy." Willow says. "I know" I say. "I love you she says. "We love you more" Peeta says and he starts tickling her again.

Real or not Real Ch. 3Where stories live. Discover now