『Bakugou × Reader』

Start from the beginning

"She is!" He really doesn't know when to stop and admit defeat.

You sigh deeply and tug on his hand so he will loosen up the grip.

He does, and his hands go downwards, to your sides.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Kirishima chuckles.

"Are you really that bastard's girlfriend?" He asks, resting his palm on the surface of table.

You really want to say no out loud and get out from this mess but Bakugou's face is telling the otherwise.

Will you get killed if you do so? The chances are high.

He gives a little squeeze with his hands, your body becomes tensed with the ticklish feeling.

His head lowers down to your level, blowing wind to your bare skin.

You tremble at his cruel action.

What is this idiot doing-?

"I said, play along," he hushes with his deep voice.

It sends shivers down your spine because you never heard him talking in this tone.

Well, this motherfucker always shout 24/7 like he can't chill.

"Uhm, yea..." you stutter, eyes averting the eye contact Kirishima makes.

"Oh, seriously?!" He bursts into laughter. Apparently, he doesn't believe this bullshit. Not like it's real anyway.

"Oi, fucker. Shut up," Bakugou growls, pulling you closer to him. His arms snake around your petite figure as your body comes into contact with his.

It feels like your ears let out a gush of steam and your mind is scrambled, blank. 

You can't see your face but you are sure that your face is tinted with red hues.

With your trembled lips, you manage to let out a squeak and ask quietly, "what are...you doing?" You really can't put up your brave act.

Bakugou doesn't reply. His lips are sealed and his orbs are hooded. He never looked so calm.

Your heartbeats sound like the loudest thing in this classroom.

Silently cursing at Kirishima, you bite your lower lip as he looks amused by the clueless you and aggressive Bakugou. He is the reason all of this started.


"You intend on seducing me, huh?" Bakugou grumbles and his hand climbs its way to your chin, lifting it slightly.

"Eh..what? N-no-"

Your sentence is hung as he crashes his lips onto yours.

You cringe at the taste of steel in your mouth. Is it bleeding?

Maybe due to his sudden movement?

You frown, shutting your eyes and try hard to push him. He doesn't even flinch, boy is he always this strong.

His muscular arms play the role of bringing your closer and his tongue explore your wet cavern, deepening the kiss whenever he gets the chance.

Oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my asdfghjkl

You can't think straight and butterflies flutter in your tummy.

"Baku-" you manage to slip his name between breaths but he is really good in making up the stolen breaths.

His circled arm around your waist makes you feel comfortable, like you're protected by him.

Once your lips escape his, you pant hard and you realize how his lips turn into seducingly red. This is all because of the kiss.

You want this to stop because you know that this is all wrong, so you call his name. In that moment, his hand accidentally brushes against your naked skin at your waist and his name turns to come out as a moan.

Astonished, he goes on with the kiss in a split second and his naughty hands roam around.

Legs turning into a jelly, your hands go upwards and grip his shirt to support yourself. You can't take it anymore.

Running out of breath, you tighten the grip as a signal that it is your limit.

You can feel him smiling in the kiss as he bites your lower lip for the last time before backing off.

"What do you think now?!" He raises his brows arrogantly, proud that his friend is speechless.

Seeing the look on Kirishima's face, you can really imagine how he gawked and gasped at the kiss.

Except that you didn't realize as you're caught up in the heat.

"This is my girlfriend. My soulmate! Die, you virgin!" Bakugou states, his hug pulls me to his side.

You don't really say anything at his words. It feels peculiar but you can't really say anything.

For one last time, he pecks your head from the side before letting go of your waist and walk to his friend.

"Get away from me you kinky fuck-!" Kirishima exclaims exaggeratedly.

"(y/n)-san...." the voice catches your attention and you quickly turn to the owner.

Looking at your classmates who have been at the door from only God knows when, until now.

You blush furiously, shaking your head vigorously in attempt to deny everything.

"I had no idea... (y/n)-chan..." Asui blinks at you, making you feel guilty.

"Bakugou! That's so vulgar, kissing her like that, so aggressive!" Iida gasps, his hands moving like a robot.

"So you're together after all?!" What does they mean with after all?

"It's not like that!" You cry out in embarassment.

"Yea, I'm dating her. So get your hands off her, losers," he sticks out his tongue mischiveously. He never did that.

Oh boy, he looks cute.

You literally slap yourself at that thought.

Stupid Kirishima. This is all his fault this all started.

But you can't really say this is a bad luck.

Because you may have found your luck.

But is it just an act or...?

You gulp down your saliva which taste like sand right now.

Stealing a glance at Bakugou, you catch him staring at you. He returns the glance with a loopsided smirk, his brows wiggle.

Why can't he show this side earlier- cutie.

Maybe it is not an act after all. You smile at yourself.

"(y/n)-chan is really in love with him..." Asui croaks, tapping her chin.

"K-Kawaiiiiii! This relationship is cute, Tsuyu-chan!" Uraraka's eyes twinkle.

You fake a cough to cover the laugh, eyes glued to the floor.

Shitty Bakugou.


It took forever for me to update- asdfghjkl sorry!

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