"Vee darling! Relax breathe you look like your about to throw up. "

Vee was crying in fear. She wrapped her shaking arms around herself, hunching her shoulders into a ball.

"Mummy next time I come home I'd like you to meet . . ." Vee voice broke as the endless stream of tears cascaded down her face " Umm. . . Mum I'd really like you to meet. . . My girlfriend Leah"

Silence. Dead silence.

Vee felt like the silence would never end.

Her fathers face started to turn from shoke to anger, his large fist clenching and un clenching. His face slowly turning red, and his eyes sparking in disapproval.

Vee cried harder.

"Is she pretty?" Lacy's innocent little voice broke the silence filled with excitment. She seemed to be oblivious to her parent reaction.

Vee nodded unable to from any words through her tears.

"Is she nice then?" Lacy reaction was turning confused. "Cause you don't seem to happy Vee. Your crying." Lacy started moving toward's her older sister and her fagile little arms surrounded Vee's shaking body.

Vee's father stood, looked at the sisters together and turned stormed into the kitchen.

Her mothers seemed wake from the trance she had seem to be in, and began rushing to join the sisters huddle. Her own set of tears streaming down her face.

"Vee darling, she sounds wounderful."  The incomparable voice of there mother washed over the sisters and Vee began to sit straight pulling Lacy into her lap.

And for the first time since her announcement Vee found her voice.

"She is mum. She's amazing, she's funny and sophisticated, loving, kind. Leah's doing her medical degree, so she's an amazing person. I promise mummy.  I mean she does have a flaw. . . She's from rural Wales, you know the place outside Swansea, the Breaken Beakens. But even then her accents gourgous. " Vee's voice was linned with childish hope and pride as she waited for the approval of her mother and little sister. (A/n please don't take offence it was ment to be joke nothing against the Welsh)

"Darling she sounds wounderful. I'm sure we'll love meeting her when she comes down. Ok. Your father will come around, don't worry it's just shocking. He loves you more than anything, ok? Darling, " she wipped her daughter's tears away " he loves you. His stubbornness is not bigger then his pride, he just need time."

Vee was staring to smile slowly in the arms of her mother and sister.

"Oh darling, I'm so proud of you. I know that couldn't be easy." At this a fresh set of tears streamed down Vee's face as for the first time since descovering she was in love with Leah, she felt safe and at home with her family.

"I know mummy its just i know how dad feels and I didn't want to lose you guys. Cause I love you." Vee sobbed into her mothers shoulders.

" I love you too Vee" Lacy's excited little voice ran across the room as she wiggled from the huddle and began to run round the room in excitement.

"Darling, we would never judge you on something like this. Ok? We love you. Love is love right? As long as your happy, healthy and keeping up with your studies we'll support you no matter what. "

And in that very moment Vee felt a sence of peace and comfort surrounded by love and acceptence of who she was. She wasn't hiding anything from her family. She was complete. She was completly and brilliantly herself.

Her mother was correct, by the end of the day her father had returned and accepted that her happiness was worth far more than whatever  prejedices he had previously clung too.

In the spring of that year Leah visted them, her bounicing curls bring life to the family.

And the next time Vee visted the cliffs she was not an outcast but a happy, accepted, young woman filled with life and love.

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