Getting Braces

414 11 5

Riker(age 15)
Rydel(age 14)
Rocky(age 13)
Ross(age 12)
Ryland(age 10)

This chapter is in honor of me getting braces in a couple weeks and I'm constantly watching YouTube videos about it:) If you're getting braces or have/had braces hit me up! Maybe we can talk:)

Rocky! (I bet you weren't expecting that!)

"We could get them all braces so it would be easier." The orthodontists, I think her name was Katie said. Mom nodded.

"That would be great!" Mom clapped. I shook my head quickly.

"We came here for Rydel not us!" Riker said. I nodded in agreement.

"But you all need them and you get a discount." Mom said. I frowned.

"I want them!" Rydel chirped. "You boys should be more like Rydel, look on the bright side of things."

"I already wear glasses and now you want me to get braces." Riker whined. The orthodontist laughed.

"You'll look good with them, all of you."

I smiled. A pretty girl saying I would look good? Heck yeah!

"I'm in!" I agreed immediately. Riker sighed. "I guess."

"Okay I know Rydel'll have braces for about 14 months. I'd like to have a look at Rocky and Riker's."

"I'll go first!" I hopped onto the chair.

"Change of heart?" She laughed. I nodded.

She put that mouth opener thingy in my mouth.

She examined my mouth. "Hmmmm, about 12 months."

She took the mouth opener out of my mouth and cleaned it. Katie got out a new one for Riker.

"Okay come sit Riker." Katie pointed to the chair I was sitting on. I stood up so Riker could sit down.

She did the exact same thing to Riker.

"About a year and a half."

Katie took the mouth thingy and cleaned it.

"Riker and Rydel will need power chains." Katie said.

"What are power chains?" I asked. "It's an elastic band that pulls your teeth together."

"They also don't need bottom braces."

We cheered, high-fiving each other.

"Okay so you're next appointment is Thursday."

Thursday was 3 days away.

"So they have 3 days to eat whatever they want?" Mom laughed. Katie laughed too nodding.

"I'll see you guys on Thursday!"

"Okay." We smiled at her.

"By the way love the matching outfits!"

Mom thanked her and we left.

"You guys better think about the colors you're getting but I'm pretty sure I know." Mom chuckled.

None of us said anything.

"Awwwwww! Come on kids."

I saw Riker crack a smile. He was always the first one to break.

"I'm getting green and maybe teal."

"I want blue." Riker shrugged.

"I want pink."

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