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Dare: I dare Ciel to dress up like a girl in a dress with most brightest shadow of pink for a week, and go to a ball with it.

Ciel:-grunts- Fine, I'll do it. But I sure as hell won't enjoy it.

Sebastian:-Gives Ciel a bright pink dress-

Ciel: Ugh...fine. -puts it on-

Sebastian: -smiles- You look lovely my lord.

Ciel: -cheeks are red- S...shut up!

Sebastian: You have to wear it for a week. Oh yes. Then there is a ball on the final night that you must go to.

Ciel: Yeah yeah fine. This week better go by fast...

~six boring, uncomfortable days pass by~

Sebastian: We're nearly there young lord.

Ciel- Yes whatever.

Sebastian:-opens carriage door-

Ciel: -walks out and stands in front of a tall black mansion- What the hell? Where are we?

Sebastian: We are at the Kenoyah manor my lord.

Ciel: Kenoyah?

Sebastian: Yes. The thing is, she has no butler, but plenty of people come to this manor.

Ciel: I see. A...mistress without a butler living in her manor, alone.

Sebastian: -nods and takes him inside-

Miss Kenoyah: Oh you're finally here! The guest of honor.

Sebastian: That is Miss Kenoyah.

Ciel: -smiles- It's a nice place I'll give you that. A bit bigger than mine.

Miss Kenoyah: Would you like some tea, lord Phantomhive?

Ciel: I thought you didn't have any butlers?

Miss Kenoyah: I make my own tea. It's really nectarous.

Ciel: I'll try some. I can't turn down someone as nice as you.

Miss Kenoyah: -smiles then goes into the kitchen and comes out with tea- Here you go.

Ciel: -takes a sip- Wow, it's amazing.

Miss Kenoyah: -looks at a clock- It's nearly time for the ball to begin, come with me to the ball room.

~as they reach the ball room guests were scattered talking to one another~

Miss Kenoyah: -coughs to get their attention- As you all know, the ball will begin shortly. I'd like to announce our guest of honor, Ciel Phantomhive.

~the crowd cheers quietly~

Miss Kenoyah: -signals the violinists to play-

~crowd starts to waltz with each other~

Ciel: -takes Miss Kenoyah's hand- Would you care to dance m'lady?

Miss Kenoyah: -smiles- I would love to.

~ball is over and Ciel gets ready to leave~

Ciel: Thank you for inviting me to your ball. I do hope we meet again.

Miss Kenoyah: It was nothing. And yes, I'm sure we will when the time comes.

Ciel: -nods and gets into the carriage and leaves-

Hey guys! So sorry it took me so long to update, I'm just really busy outside if Wattpad. Please tell me of you liked it!

~Miss Kenoyah

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