New Home

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Zayn's POV
(Sorry it's short huge writers block!)

I can't believe she chose Harry. I'm in love with her. I know she loves me too. It's just she hasn't realized it. Soon, she will. I'll prove it that she loves me.

Ari's POV

Remember the time I followed Harry and I thought he was cheating on me. I never addressed that with him.

"Babe, what are you thinking about?"



"Come on. You can tell him."

I can do it. Tell him Ari.

"A couple days ago, I followed you to a girls house. I thought you're cheating on me. I know I'm supposed to trust you."

"Ari, come follow me."

What's going on? We walked out of the flat to next door. Next door?

"Harry, what are we doing here?"

"That girl I was with was a real estate agent. Welcome to our new flat!"

I'm shocked. Harry bought this just for us. Me, him, and the twins. A new flat.

Please comment and vote!! I'm so sorry it's short, I need help writing I have huge writers block. If you have ideas, comment or message me. Next update Sunday.

Never Broken (arianagrande and onedirection fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz