Entry 4 : When In Doubt..

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Lee walked in front of me calmly, not saying a word as we coarsed this desert in the middle of nowhere. His black hair was short and neatly styled, softly brushing against his forehead as he observed his surroundings. I can't even pretend I wasn't overjoyed that he said he'd come with me. He wore an all-black suit of Ingot Armor, with red cloths draped over his legs. The average person wouldn't even be able to tell that the hides of multiple monsters went into the making of his metal plates.
"You can go home if you'd like," he said, not bothering to turn around.
Yes, great! I thought to myself. "Nah, rescuing bad ass kids is kinda my forte. Like that kid that got dropped into the Congalala pit last year." I can't risk missing out on this raise. Maybe money will fill the void left in my heart by my existential crisis.
"You sure you don't have any paperwork to fill out?" He's offering me the most tempting cop-outs.
"I'll fill out paperwork after we rescue this munchkin. That's if some monster hasn't already munched him."
Lee looked back at me, finally, disappointed in my dark humor.

"Hey, Hunter!" Exclaimed some goofy white girl with a raggedy brown bun and crusty clothes as we approached the campsite. Lee greeted his Palico, a pitch black one wielding a chain and sickle. I'm starting to think Lee is an emo or something.
"Hey, I'm on a quest and I haven't had time to eat. Could you fire up something that would boost my dexterity?" He scratched the back of his head while asking, like he wasn't sure if she was gonna say yes or no. It's pretty weird, since that's her job. I would know, since I also worked it.
"Of course! It's like I always say! When in doubt, take a bite!"
Everything about her annoys me.
Lee awkwardly scooted me closer to him. "Also, could you cook up something for my friend here? She's from the Police Department."
At this point, I had to inject, "Actually, if I had the right ingredients, I could cook something for myself."
"Sure!" Retorted the pig-nosed girl, acting oblivious to the challenge I just issued. The job of a Handler Is relatlively newly introduced, as sort of a management style, brains-behind-the-brawn tactic to keep the morale of Hunters maximized. Basically, she processes all the paperwork that comes from documented monsters or resource locations, and hands him optimal quests. I did it just fine for Karo when I was a kid, so I got this.

Her cooking looked freaking fantastic. Steaming baked turkey with soup and kabobs. I can see the oil bubbling on top of its brilliantly seasoned skin. I'm stuck eating a giant baked sushifish. WHO THE HECK COOKS SUSHIFISH ANYWAYS? IT SAYS RIGHT THERE IN THE NAME THAT IT'S MEANT TO BE SERVED AS SUSHI. This is probably another reason Karo died. I want to beg Lee for some of his food so bad, and I know for a fact he'll say yes. However, I'm gonna act like the bullcrap I stuck myself with is the best thing I've ever eaten. I still have my pride.
"That was delicious. Thanks, Handler!" Said Lee, smacking his stomach for a bit as he returned her thumbs-up with one of his own. He marched off happily, jumping off the small cliff in front of us. He can miss me with all that ninja crap, I can't get my uniform dirty while the sun is still up.
"Yeah, that's right you little bitch. Check yaself before you wreck yaself." The Handler whispered in my ear. As I turned around, she pounded her fist in the air, "We're on the Hunt!" Does this thot think I didn't hear her or something?
By the time I made it down the vines on the face of the cliff, there Lee was, waiting on me. "I saved you a leg," he said, handing me a juicy turkey drumstick. I'm not really sure where he stored it until now, but man am I glad to have him in my small circle. This is example number one billion where my stupid sense of pride proved to be my downfall.

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