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Link and I got back from the Fairy fountain very late.
I was scolded by my grandmother but I don't mind, I've never had this much fun before!
When I'm around Link..I feel alive, he makes me feel like I can do anything. But then I have to realise that I have responsibilities...if only I wasn't born into this clan maybe then I would be able to travel and do whatever I like.
I stared at the ceiling as these thoughts flooded my mind. I was wrapped up in the sheets with Link once again, I could definitely get used to this!
Snuggling up closer to Link who was fast asleep, his face so peaceful.

As soon I close my eyes I can hear horses outside my window, my eyes shot open and I go towards the window.

Once there I look through seeing Princess Zelda!
She was walking up the steps to the house.
I ran over to Link fanatically shaking him awake.
"Link! Princess Zelda is here!!" He jumps up in an instant throwing his clothes back on, he walks out of the room and down the steps, I follow behind him.
He stops half way looking at me "Paya what ever happens -" Zeldas knock at door disrupts him, I open the door pretending to be shocked. "Princess Zelda! What brings you here?" I bow and open the door wider so she can come in.
"For him" she points to Link, my heart sunk I got used to having him around even if it was only one day he spent here..we kissed! I don't want things to end right now.
"Paya could you set up a room for me to stay in" Zelda turned to me with a sweet smile
"Sure right away" I sped off into the guest room we only had one anyway. Which luckily I had refreshed the day before Link arrived.
I brought out more pillows and fluffed them, after finishing I closed the door and turned towards the stairs. I could hear them whispering so I peaked from upstairs.
Zelda was holding Links hands she looked upset I couldn't make out what they were saying but maybe they were more than friends?
"Paya!" I spun round seeing grandmother standing behind me.
"grandmother" my eyes averted her gaze
"Princess Zelda is here I was just getting Princess Zelda's room ready" her eyes widen rushing past me
"Sweet Zelda how are you!" She met with Zelda at the bottom of the stairs engulfing her in a hug.
I walked past them to talk to Link.
"Link" he backed away from me looking past my shoulder towards Zelda, I followed his eyes she was watching us and she didn't seem happy anymore.

"Paya could you show me to my room please" I nodded walking up the stairs while she followed.
Opening the door for her, she walked in observing the room.
"Paya..do you know why Link came here? I was surprised to find him"
"I'm not sure.." i couldn't tell her he basically came back for me.
"Mmmm" her eyes squinted at me
"Could I get some water I don't want to go bed dehydrated" she smiled
I nodded again and went to get her water.
As I pour the water a hand snakes around my waist, soft lips press against my neck.
"Sorry I was distant earlier" he whispered I turned kissing him gently "I have to get this to Princess Zelda wait for me in my room" I walked back to Zelda she was laying down reading a book.
"Thank you Paya" I placed the water on the table next to the bed
"One last thing..could you tell Link to come here please" I followed her request closing the door behind me and walked right in to my own room.
Link was undressed again under the sheets, he smirked noticing me "Link Princess Zelda wants you" his faced became serious he puts his clothes back on kissing me before he leaves.
I get back into bed exhausted from the day.

When I awoke Link hadn't come back, It was now morning so I got up and did my daily routine.
Once finished I made my way to Zelda's room, the door was half open. I walked in seeing Zelda laying next to Link with her head on his chest...

New beginnings LINK X PAYA (botw)Where stories live. Discover now