11: The Revelation

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When Uno came down, he sensed something wrong. Uno, "Why are you all here? Aren't you all going to open your business today?". George, "I'm sorry Uno, we'll returning it to you. We decided to leave this mansion for you to continue living a peaceful life.". Uno, "But why dad?". Daisy, "Remember the day when Leah was in the hospital? I called you an assassin right? We were already targeted by the assassin that time.". Uno, "I already know about that mom, so?". Grace, "Are you really an idiot? Can't you get it?". Uno, "Of course I get it. You want to leave so that you can put me out of danger right? So?". Grace, "So? Stupid!". Uno, "Do you find it a problem?". George, "Of course it is Uno! You are a good guy, so we can't let you be in danger just because of us.". Uno, "Is that all dad? Then I will protect you all if you want!". Grace cried, "What can you do to protect us Uno? You can do nothing. What will I do if you got hurt because of us?". Uno, "How many times did I tell you that no one can hurt me? Even Leah knows that I can protect her.". Grace, "I'm sorry Uno but we really have to go!". Leah, "Sorry guys, but I really want to stay with Uno. And I won't change my mind.". Grace, "Stop it sis! I want to stay with him too. But we can only put his life in danger.". Uno, "Stop everyone! Wait here for a minute, I'll be back!".

Uno went to the kitchen. When he came back, he's already carrying a knife. Grace, "What are you trying to do Uno? Why are you carrying a knife?". The in front of everyone, Uno stabbed himself 3 times. Uno went down on the floor and Grace quickly grabbed him and held him in his arm while crying, "Your so stupid! Why did you do this? Why did you stabbed yourself? You said you want me to stay, then why did you do this?". Everyone cried seeing Uno drowning in his own blood. Daisy, "Nurse Sarah! Come here, quickly. Hurry before its too late.". Nurse Sarah, "What is it ma'am?". Daisy, "Uno stabbed himself 3 times. Save him!". George, "I thought it was the best decision, but we disappoint him that's why he did this to himself.". Grace, "Dad, go to the patient room and call Dr. Reyes. Hold on Uno! Hold on! Please don't leave me like this!". Then she yelled, "Hurry up dad!". Nurse Sarah, "No don't. It's not in a critical area, so Uno won't die. And at this very moment, I think he's already okay now. Let me show you what I mean.". Nurse Sarah went to Uno, "Hey Uno! Stop playing stupid drama and get up now!". Uno answered, "Huh? How did you know?". Uno, "Am I a good actor?". Then Uno quickly stand up like nothing did happen. Grace, "Stay down and wait for the doctor.". Uno, "Why call a doctor? Can't you see I'm fine. Look!". Leah, "Damn you Uno! I was convinced by your act too.". Grace is trembling, "You scared me! Stupid!". Mrs. Ocampo with a worried sound, "Is that really just an act Uno?". Mrs. Ocampo picked up the knife too, "Wait. This is a real knife.". Uno, "Of course it is mom. Everything is real mom. I really stabbed myself and those blood really came from me.". Then Mrs. Ocampo scanned Uno's body, "But I didn't see any wounds in your body.". Uno, "I think I have to explain it no. The truth is, I am really not a human, or let's say I'm an alien in this planet. I came from the planet called Grandea. I'm a half-God and half-demon. I have powers too that can destroy this entire planet. But I lost it the day I came to this planet. Actually, accident brought me here. My two friends accidentally activated the portal and went inside it. When I followed them, the portal lead me here. I guess, we were sent in different location. Earlier, what you all just witnessed is not my power but the work of this amulet that I am wearing right now. This is an ancient amulet from my planet that has the power to heal the one who's wearing it and the ability to give it's owner the ability to heal. I can really regenerate because of my demon blood but I don't know why I can't regenerate anymore when I came to this planet. And because of that, this amulet became more useful. I think, that's all for now. So is there any questions?". Grace, "If you are an alien, did you come to eat us? And are you just wearing a human mask?". Mr. and Mrs. Ocampo were speechless after what they heard from Uno. Uno, "What are you talking about Grace?". Grace, "Aliens eat flesh and they're super ugly. But you, you're handsome. So I think, you're just wearing a handsome human mask.". Mr. and Mrs. Ocampo nod. Nurse Sarah, "I saw it in the movie too and it's nonsense.". Uno, "What? Just because of that movie that's why you thought that I eat flesh and that I'm just wearing a human mask. Are you kidding me?". Nurse Sarah, "Can I also ask you something?". Uno, "Go on Nurse Sarah!". Nurse Sarah whispered, "I'm just curious. Is that big thing of yours real or not?". Grace overheard it and got mad, "Shut up Nurse Sarah!". But Uno answered her, "Yes of course!". Nurse Sarah, "For real? Prove it then.". Grace, "How disgusting. Are you a pervert Nurse Sarah? And you Uno, you're so stupid in answering that.". Mr. Ocampo, "What are you guys talking about?". Grace, "Nothing dad.". Leah expressed a naughty smile, "Hmm, I want to see it again one day.". Then Leah kissed Uno in his lips in front of the everyone. Grace, "What was that all about sis? Why kiss Uno, huh?". Leah, "Don't get jealous sis. And sorry because I'm faster than you.". Grace took the knife and pointed it Uno, "I will kill you many times if I saw you flirting with Nurse Sarah and my sister again. I will let this one slide, but if it happen again, you will wake up without that big thing of yours. Understood?". Uno, "She's the one who surprisingly kissed. I didn't do anything.". Grace walk away. Mrs. Ocampo, "Grace is really something.". Mr. Ocampo, "Like mother, like daughter.". Mrs. Ocampo, "So what?". Uno, "So what now dad?". Mr. Ocampo, "Can you really protect my daughters?". Uno, "Remember the bank robbery before? I'm the man in the hood.". Mr. Ocampo, "You're that man in the hood?". Uno, "Yes dad. Leah knows about it already. I have superhuman strength, and I already learned how to control it inside 3 years living here on Earth.". Mr. Ocampo, "Then I guess, we have a deal.". Uno, "Thanks for not leaving dad.".

In the afternoon... Mr. Ocampo, "May I ask you something about that amulet Uno?". Uno, "What is it dad?". Mr. Ocampo, "What will happen if you're not wearing your amulet and got into an accident?". Uno, "If my regeneration won't come back, then I will die!". Mr. Ocampo, "What if I wear that amulet, will it works on me?". Uno, "Yes It will dad! But you can't heal anyone because you're not its owner.". Mr. Ocampo, "Wow! But how can that amulet acknowledge who's its owner?". Uno, "I am the current owner of this amulet. If I gave I give it to you, then you will become it's owner. But if I only lend it to you, you're still not its owner.". Mr. Ocampo, "I get it now.". Mrs. Ocampo, "Uno, what will you do if your power returned?". Uno, "Actually, I already regained 20% of my power. My demon blood is the first one to respond and returned. But if I regain 100% of my power back, I can really destroy this entire planet if I want to. But don't worry mom and dad, I won't do it.". Leah, "You said that you are a half-God and half-demon right? Are you allowed to make love with a human?". Uno, "About that, there's a lot of pure blooded human living in our planet. Gods and humans became lovers there.". Leah, "So you're allowed too. ". Uno, "A human friend of mine said something before about how their grandparents arrived in our planet. They said that their grandparents once said that after the sun exploded, they were already inside the spacecraft because the scientist already reported about the Sun's explosion and it's effect to Earth. The Sun exploded earlier than the scientist predicted. The impact of the explosion crashed the Earth and the impact pushed all the spacecraft in different destinations. The spacecraft in where their grandparents were in, accidentally entered our planet.". Mr. Ocampo, "I don't get it at all?". Mrs. Ocampo, "You mean, you came from the future Uno?". Uno, "You got it mom!". Leah, "Do you mean, your planet is like another Earth? Because human can live too right?". Uno, "Seems like that.". Leah, "Wow! Are all Gods in your planet looks like human too?". Uno, "Gods and humans has exactly the same physical appearance. Demons have the same physical appearance as the human too except for the sharp teeth and tails. Some has wings, while some don't have it.". Leah, "What if you marry me, can my baby have your powers too?". Grace came, "No more question for now. Uno, come with me!".

They went to the garden. Grace, "Explain what happen during our first meeting?". Uno, "About that, sorry! I did pretend that I got hurt. Peace!". Grace, "Ah! So you're just making fun of me that time huh! How about my sister's accident?". Uno, "Huh? I just save her in time, that's all.". Grace, "Okay. Then who do you like most? Nurse Sarah, Leah, or... or... forget it!". Uno answered, "You!". Leah came so Grace didn't heard his answer. Leah, "Can you help me with something Uno?". Uno, "What is it Leah?". Leah, "Will you come with me and help me find a baby crib in the mall? Please!". Grace, "Just go alone sis. Can't you see, we're having a conversation here.". Leah, "It's dangerous to be alone sis, and you know that. The assassin might attack me if he saw he alone.". Grace, "Be sure it's a mall sis!". Leah, "Of course, it is sis.". Grace, "Go with sis Uno. And come back as soon as possible.". Uno, "Okay.".

To be continued...

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