02: The Unknown Assassin

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A few hours later... Uno woke up seeing Grace on his side. Grace, “Thank God you're awake now! So, how do you feel now?”. Uno, “I feel... just fine.”. Grace, “Oh thank God! I feel so relieve now! Anyway, can you please tell me, how can we repay you?”. Uno saw Grace face looking so worried. Uno, “It's nothing Grace. Just consider it as a good deed from your good friend?”. Grace, “Just a good deed? Are you kidding me?". Uno, "I know you're thinking of repaying me for what I did. But it was really nothing, don't worry about that.". Grace, "You know it's not that simple right? I almost got you killed earlier. You really did, me and my family, an unforgettable super big favor. You saved two lives earlier, my sister and the child she's carrying. We won't ever gonna forget that. So tell me, how can we repay you.”. Uno, “Okay. It seems like you won't stop insisting unless I gave you an answer, am I right?.”. Grace nod. Uno suddenly noticed the place where he's at right now, “Wait. Where exactly am I now?”. Grace, “Obviously, you're in the hospital now Uno.”. Uno, “Hospital?”. Grace nod. Uno, "What? I'm in the hospital now?". Then Uno quickly stood up and took his wallet out, “I have to go now. Please do me a favor, take this wallet and pay the bills for me. I’ll just wait for you outside this building.”. Uno gave his wallet to Grace and quickly walk out from the hospital room. Grace, “Wait! You still need the doctor's approval.”. But Uno didn’t look back. Grace felt weird, “What's with him? How can he just walk away like that after knowing that he's here at the hospital? What more, his back is also weird. So... so... weird!”.

Outside the hospital building... While waiting for Grace, Uno said to his mind, “If the doctor took a drop of my blood as a sample, he will surely gonna report me. I should ask Grace about it so that, if something like that happen, then I can make a move.”. Grace came out. Grace, “Hey Uno, why did you suddenly...”. Uno, “Shh! No question please! Let's just talk about that repaying thing that you want.”. Grace nod, "Okay. So what is it then?". Uno, “This is what you should do. You know that I don't know my exact address yet, am I right? So... my only request is, for you to walk me home. From here, it's about 10 street corners before we reached my house. We will travel by foot. So what now? My house is too far from here, so can you walk that far?. Grace, “Is that all?". Uno nod, “That would be all Grace. And I hope after that, you won't insist on repaying me anymore. Understood?". Grace, “Though I think you way of making me repay you is too simple, if that's what you really want, then I'll have to respect that.". Uno smile at her, “Good! So, shall we?”. Grace,Okay.". Then the two of them started walking and left the place.

While on their way to Uno's house, Grace and Uno had a little chat. Uno, “Do you think, I need to have my own service vehicle?”. Grace, “If you can afford, then why not. But… the most important thing is that... you need to know your home address first. So that even if you don't have one, you can still commute.”. Uno, “Oh, okay. I'll just follow your advice then. By the way, can I ask you something about earlier in the hospital.”. Grace, “What is it?”. Uno, “What did the doctor do to me when I was unconscious. Did he took a blood sample of mine?”. Grace, “Nope. Nothing like that happen. The doctor only checked your vital sign, and he found you okay. And he said, you are just sleeping. But there's something that's bothering me.”. Then Grace stared at him. Uno, “And what's with that stare?”. Grace, “I clearly saw your back, it was burned and wounded before the ambulance took you to the hospital. But when the doctor checked your back, and I was there, it's already gone. How is that possible?”. Uno, “Maybe because you worry to much earlier which makes your mind feel unease. And so you thought, you saw my back burned and wounded.”. Grace, “I don't think so. I clearly saw it Uno.”. Uno, “Stop confusing yourself Grace! Let’s not talk about it anymore. What matter most is that, we're both fine now.”. Grace, “Well... Okay.”.

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