Breath of death 2

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Breath of Death 2

Harry walked slowly down the sidewalk, his backpack was heavy and he was in no hurry to get to school.

He felt kinda glum and a bit tired.

As he walked along Harry passed a nice house with a big iron fence around it.

A cute puppy ran out of the fence and chased him down the street.

Harry was kinda scared of dogs but he stopped and let the dog smell his hands. Than he ran the rest of the way to school.

"Hi there kid, got our home work?

Harry spun around to face rocky.

But not acting fast enough for Rocky's liking he grabbed Harry's Collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Yes, yes I have your home work, it's right hear."

Harry sobbed shivering down to his knees he quickly picked up his backpack and handed rocky the books.

Rocky smiled and without a word left him alone.

Harry felt relived.

All day school was pretty hard Harry had a hard time not falling to sleep.

But finally it was time to go home.

Harry sneaked out the back way like usual and ran down the road ahead of the groups of children that also walked this way back to their own homes.

Suddenly Harry stopped dead in his tracks.

The small dog, it was laying in front of the iron gate.


"Oh my god!

Harry picked up the dog with horror in his face.

Sure the dog had chased him to school but it did't deserve to die, and it did't look sick and it had't been run over by a car, it just laid down and stopped breathing.

Tremblingly Harry carried the dog to the house and rang the door bell.

A lady answered it and at the sight of the dog she broke down and cried.

"What happened to it?

She asked through tears

Harry stood in shook

"I don't know."

Harry ran the rest of the way home and locked himself in his room.

"Hahahahhh, it's your fault Harry you killed an inasent dog."

The gost of the teen age girl laughed as Harry collapsed on his bed.


Harry screamed.

Than he heard feet coming up the stairs.

"Harry what's wrong?

It was his aunt

"Oh aunt Emma, I want to go home!

Harry sobbed

"I want to go back and live with my mom, in my old home town!

"No baby you can't, this is your home know."

"No Emma I can't no one likes me hear and I'm getting haunted, I don't sleep at nights they rip my blankets off in my sleep, please just let me go home!

"No baby your staying hear."

She said softly brushing the curls out of his face and looking deeply into his soft sea green eyes.

Harry laid down on his bed and Emma pulled the thin Cotten sheets over him gently.

"Get some sleep." She said.

The next day Harry was meet with even worse news.

Rocky had been found that morning dead in his bed.

Harry tried not to freak out but he felt like killing himself.

He went through the day avoiding everyone as much as possible.

If rocky was truly dead it meant that he would never lay a hand on Harry again, never hurt him or see him cry.

Harry was't sad about him dying, but he was tarrified by the possibilities, was he the cause of Rocky's mysterious death?

He had no way of knowing.

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