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Elijah POV

I was awakened by hands over my mouth. I bite it. "Ow!! You piece of crap!!" It sounds familiar...

Its Ethan's voice. I scream as someone knocks out Y/N. I am dragged away by Ethan and thrown into a car with tape over my mouth and my hands bound by ropes.

I hope Y/N is ok..


Im knocked out and dragged into a car, but I can still hear. I hear screaming before its gagged. "Careful with my princess!!" someone that sounds like Ethan yells at the person dragging me.

Ethan POV

I yell at Denis to be careful. He's gonna scar Y/N's beautiful face!! He picks her up and lays her in the car. He throws Elijah in too.

I drive to a shed I had found a few days ago. I dump Elijah in there and chain Y/N to the wall. I tie Elijah to a chair. I slip a drug into her mouth to make her more willing to make out with me in front of Elijah.

This is gonna be such satisfying torture.

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