Apologies Dont Cut It

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Ethan POV

Im really hoping my actions will hurt Elijah and Y/N's relationship. I just need her so badly...it pains me to think shes with that son of a slug Elijah. You think its bad for me to think like that about my own brother? Too bad. He deserves it.

For stealing my girl.

My girl. Not his.

I hope apologies dont cut it for him.

I hope she gets dumped and Ill come to her rescue.

She'll love me forever. We will be together no matter what I have to do. No. Matter. What.

I may even go as far as torturing Elijah..

What? Im not crazy!! I swear.. Whatever. I walk home and go to my room to record a video. I finish and send it to my editor, Snips.

After that I lay down and take a nap.


After Ethan leaves me and Elijah talk. I apologize and he accepts. We climb into bed and snuggle.

The last thing I hear before it went black was the sound of Elijah screaming..

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