Chapter 8- I'm Sorry

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Laceys P.O.V.

I stay chained in my own my mind how ironic I was alway known to be stuck in my thoughts.......... It's kind of lonely "Penny.......Marcus" I say as tears fall down my face, "Im sorry, Im sorry, Im so sorry" I say as the tears fall faster I couldn't do anything to help Penny, I couldn't help Marcus.

Pennys P.O.V.

The room turned into the memory I saw a while ago in the door with green vines and roses, I knowest that I actually was older when Lacey put the spell on me but I have known Lacey seens I was child so why do I have memories of our childhood, she couldn't have possibly made up everything and Like the room could hear me it changed the memory "Pennyyyyyyy" a little girl said to another little girl with brown hair and green eyes that little girl was Me and the other one was Lacey.

"Lacey" the little me said " what's wrong Penny" child Lacey said tilting her head to the side "I'm moving somewhere far away" child me said hiding her eyes from the other little girl, child Lacey didn't say anything she just stood there looking at my child self who was about to cry her eyes out,child Lacey then wrapped her arms around child me and said "all miss you but I know we will meet again because we're soul sisters right?" my eyes widen as my child self says "Yeah" with tears pouring down her face then the room went dark but I was still awake "Penny are you alright" Dani said with tears still going down her face "yeah i'm ok" I say wiping the tears away "let go find Lacey" I say smiling at my friends who smile back at me "yeah" they all say together.

"Azazel were done playing your little games come out now" I say with anger in my tone, than a path appears out of nowhere, the path glowed red as It led us to a door that was blooded red with black roses and lilies just as I was about to grab the door handle I took a deep breath and turned to everyone else "No matter what we stick together alright" I say "alright but you have to promise to not do anything stupid ok Penny" Abriella says as everyone hum's in agreement, I don't say anything as I turn the door handle and open the door.

Azazel starts to slow clap as she looks at us with a smirk on her face "̵I̴'̶m̷ ̸s̶u̷r̷p̵r̵i̶s̸e̴d̶ ̸y̸o̴u̷ ̷m̴a̷d̵e̴ ̵i̴t̷ ̸t̸h̸r̸o̸u̴g̶h̴ ̴t̸h̶e̶ ̶w̷o̸r̴l̶d̷s̴,̶ ̷s̷o̴ ̷c̴o̶n̴g̷r̷a̴t̵u̴l̸a̴t̴i̸o̸n̵s̴ ̶y̴o̵u̶ ̴p̶r̸o̴v̵e̷d̸ ̴m̴e̴ ̵w̵r̵o̸n̴g̶ ̵b̶u̸t̷ ̶t̸e̷l̴l̴ ̵m̴e̵ ̶d̶i̵d̶ ̶y̵o̵u̴ ̶e̷n̶j̴o̶y̴ ̵t̴h̸e̶ ̸m̸e̵m̸o̵r̴i̷e̴s̴"̵ Azazel says laughing demonically "your really sick you know that" Jay says "̷I̶'̸m̶ ̸t̸h̶e̵ ̸s̷i̸c̸k̵ ̸o̸n̴e̷ ̶A̸h̷ ̵t̷h̸o̴s̸e̴ ̷w̶e̸r̷e̶ ̵L̵a̵c̵e̸y̴s̸ ̷m̷e̵m̶o̵r̴i̵e̴s̴ ̸n̶o̶t̶ ̵m̷i̸n̶e̵"̵ ̵Azazel says laying her head on the palm of her hand and crossing her legs "enough now tell us were Lacey is" I say with anger in my toun "̴I̷'̷m̸ ̷s̸u̴r̴p̶r̵i̷s̴e̸d̷ ̵y̵o̶u̷ ̸w̶a̴n̸t̴ ̷t̶o̶ ̸s̷e̷e̴ ̴L̷a̶c̶e̵y̶ ̵a̴f̷t̵e̶r̵ ̵y̶o̶u̴ ̶f̶o̷u̶n̷d̴ ̸o̴u̵t̶ ̸s̸h̶e̴ ̸l̵i̴e̴d̶ ̴t̸o̸ ̸y̶o̶u̶"̴ Azazel says with confusion in her twisted voice " It doesn't matter Lacey will always be my sister even if we're not related by blood and that's how it was and will alway be"I say with a smirk on my face "̸ ̵I̸s̷n̶'̸t̶ ̴t̷h̵a̶t̷ ̵s̸w̴e̴e̵t̴ ̶r̴i̴g̷h̴t̷ ̸L̴a̷c̷e̴y̸?̵"̴ Azazel says snapping her finger only for Lacey to appear behind her, Lacey had her arms tied behind a char and with a rag around her mouth "LACEY" we all scream as I try to run to Lacey but Azazel snaps her fingers again making Lacey disappear "YOU B****" I say as I run towards Azazel but again she snaps her fingers but this time she transports across the room "̵y̵o̸u̶ ̵r̸e̶a̷l̶l̶y̶ ̴a̶r̶e̴ ̷a̷ ̵i̴d̵i̸o̴t̶ ̴a̶r̸e̴n̷'̵t̵ ̸y̷o̷u̷ ̶w̶e̴l̶l̴ ̸t̴h̷e̴n̷ ̸l̷e̵t̴'̴s̵ ̸m̷a̸k̶e̷ ̵t̶h̵i̸s̷ ̵m̴o̵r̸e̴ ̷i̵n̷t̷e̴r̸e̷s̴t̵i̶n̶g̵ ̴s̵h̵a̷l̵l̵ ̴w̸e̵?̶"̴ Azazel says snapping her fingers again and the only thing I hear next is everyone screaming my name.

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