Prompt: AU/ Free Day

Start from the beginning

He skated backwards, leaning forward and moving his arms along to the beat.

Aizawa jumped once again, but this time attempted a split before landing back down. Nemuri watched an smiled as he continued on, finishing by skating across the ice slowly, kneeling.

She smiled at him, ready to open her mouth but was interrupted by someone clapping. Aizawa's face flushed even more than it was before as he turned around to see someone leaning over the edge of the rink wall, clapping and smiling.

The blonde smiled. "That was really good!" he cheered and Nemuri smiled, looking at Aizawa. 'Right?" she asked, looking at Aizawa as he stood on both feet. Aizawa turned to the hockey player and shrugged. "Wasn't that good, I'm thinking of adding a few more jumps." he said and Nemuri's eyes widened.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" she asked and he ignored her. "Shouldn't you have gone home by now?" Aizawa asked and the blonde smiled sheepishly, tugging at the edge of his hockey team shirt. "Well, I wanted to watch you. You're always here waiting for our practice to end so I wanted to see what you did when we left." the blonde claimed.

"Oh, uh, by the way! Name's Yamada Hizashi." the blonde said, sticking his hand out across the nice. Aizawa looked at the blonde before skating over and shaking it. "Aizawa Shouta." he said in a low voice. Nemuri skate over too, leaning against the wall next to them.

"And Iiiii'm!!" she smiled brightly turning t Yamada. "Nemuri Kayama! Best female skater! Skater naaaame!!! Midnight!" she introduced herself overdramatically and Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I already told you, you don't need a 'skater' name." Aizawa claimed and Nemuri and Yamada pouted. "Aw, do you not have one then?" Yamada asked and Aizawa nodded. "Of course I don't have one." he said and Yamada rested his chin in his hand, closing his eyes and the two figure skaters looked at him.

"I know!" he shouted suddenly, almost making Nemuri fall backwards on the ice. Yamada pointed at Aizawa. "Eraserhead!" he shouted and Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Why that?'' he asked.

"Because," Yamada started." When everyone looks at you, every other thought will be erased from their heads when watching how beautiful you skate!" Yamada claimed and Aizawa felt his cheeks eat up. "Fine, whatever." he muttered, turning away.

Nemuri smiled. "You going to practice that Triple Axel yet?" she teased and Aizawa promptly flipped her off, causing her to giggle.

Yamada watched as Aizawa skated slowly around the nice before jumping up into the air, ankles pressed together so his toe of one foot met the heel of the other. As he spun, the few strands of loose hair fell around his face elegantly and he closed his eyes, breathing out slowly. He looked beautiful, or at least, that's what Yamada thought.

Aizawa spun around three and a half times before landing briefly, only to fall sideways.

Nwmuri snorted and he glared at her with his blood shot eyes. "Shut up, Miss-Couldn't-Land-A-Simple-Salchow!" he shot back and she stuck her tongue out. "Well, I thought it was beautiful, up until the falling part, obviously." Yamada claimed and Aizawa's face flushed again before he stood up. "Whatever." he muttered.


IT was the day of Aizawa's and Nemuri's competition, and they were both freaking out. "There's too many people." Aizawa said, looking at the audience with slightly widened eyes. "Yuu is watching, Yuu is watching. What if I fail?" Nemuri breathed out, grabbing Aizawa's shoulders.

"You're not going to fail, you've 'mastered' the Triple Salchow and your Lutz, which is the hardest jump in your whole program. Besides, as long as you don't fall, you'll still get enough points the win at least bronze." Aizawa tried to calm his friend but she just kept pacing, waving her hands at her made up face.

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