Prompt: Flashback/Present Day

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Aizawa is a very mature adult, okay. He knows how to handle situations and how to avoid confrontation sometimes. He doesn't like interactions with people, which is why he's a lesser known hero, but he's okay with that. He knows how to handle his anxiety.


Sometimes it's harder though,if one of his students are hurt or lost, he starts thinking of every possible thing that could happen to them. If there is a villain attack, he starts going through the process of "everyone's going to die, All Might isn't here yet and even he's not powerful enough to help." even if it's just grading papers, he starts worrying that his kids aren't going to learn enough or fail his class.

And than other times, it's like this. Where he's tucked under his desk, hair covering his face, face buried in his scarf as his heart raced, as his head pounded, as he felt the walls closing in. he had just been grading papers when Snipe asked if he wanted to hang out with him and Nemuri. He'd said yes, but the moment he left..... Aizawa's mind trailed.

His mind trailed to the thoughts of "what if we get attacked by a villain," to "people might confront me if they know me, they might ask questions," to every other possibility he didn't like.

And know he's having a panic attack. Under his desk. When he was supposed to be grading the last test.

Aizawa remembers when he had his first attack, he was in seventh grade and really, the only thing he had to worry about was giving a speech to his class.

"What's your report on?" Yamada asked, slinging his arm around his friend. Aizawa looked at the arm but didn't move. "The recent villain attacks." Aizawa muttered and Yamada smiled cheesily. "Well, good luck!! I'm sure it'll be a great report!" the blonde said and left Aizawa alone.

During class that day, Aizawa sat in his seat, shaking. He tried to calm down, breathing slowly, but it was hard. After Yuu sat down, he was called up, but he couldn't move from his seat. The teacher sighed annoyed and called him up again. Everyone turned to Aizawa and Aizawa felt like darkness itself had wrapped around him. "I-I" Aizawa stuttered out, but stood up and ran out of the classroom.

Aizawa heard his name being called, along with a few screaming his hero name but he closed his eyes and ran to the bathroom, locking himself in a stall. He curled up and pushed himself against the door, burying his head in his knees.

The bathroom door opened and Aizawa heard footsteps stop in front of his stall. "Shota?" and familiar voice asked. "G-Go away." Aizawa muttered, though his breath was shaky. "Shota, let me in." he heard the voice say again.

"Leave me alone." Aizawa mumbled, tears streaming down his face as he curled up tighter. "I'm coming in." the voice decided and before Aizawa could ask, Yamada was crawling under the door and sitting next to Aizawa, smiling.

"Told you~" Yamada sang, smiling. Aizawa looked at him with teary eyes before looking at his knees. "Wha-what do you want?" Aizawa asked, breathing still heavy and he was shaking a little, hyper-aware of everything around him.

Yamada didn't say anything, just wrapped his arm around Aizawa's shoulder and let the other boy lean his head against him. "It' okay, you don't need to say anything, just focus on breathing." Yamada said, voice uncharacteristically low. Aizawa nodded and buried his face in yamada's shoulder.

Yamada played with Aizawa's growing hair as the other's breathing started to slow down. After a few minutes, yamada turned to look at Aizawa. "You okay now?" he asked. Aizawa nodded and Yamada smiled. "Okay." Yamada muttered.

Aizawa curled up tighter under his desk. Yeah, after the first time, it seemed Yamada was always right there for Aizawa when he needed it, but once they graduated, he couldn't be there anymore, and Aizawa had to deal with it on his own.

But right now, in this moment, all Aizawa wanted was for his lud blonde friend to come help him. Aizawa knew he should try to calm down soon or someone would find him and he didn't want that. Just as the thought surfaced, though, someone opened his classroom door.

"Yo, yo, Shota!!!" Yamada yelled as he entered and Aizawa screwed his eyes shut, hoping Yamada would find him without him having to call out. "Shota? You in here?!" Yamada called out and Aizawa could hear him moving around his classroom.

Aizawa let out a choked sob and he curled up into a ball even further, almost becoming nothing under his desk. Yamada heard it though and moved around the desk, face softening when he saw his friend's situation.

Yamada bent down, fitting underneath the desk and sitting next to Aizawa, wrapping his arm around the other and resting his head against Aizawa's. Yamada smiled softly, stroking Aizawa's long hair with one hand, and in the other he held Aizawa's hand.

"Hey, hey, Shota. It's alright, it's just me right now." Yamada said, voice low and caring. Aizawa shivered as tears fell down his face, curling into the blonde. "Can you breathe with me?" Yamada asked softly and aizawa nodde fast, head pressed into Yamada's shoulder.

"One, two, out." Yamada said slowly. "Three, four, five, in." Aizawa breathed with the other pro-hero, but his breathing was still shaky. "Six, seven, out." Yamada continued and he smiled when he felt Aizawa start to relax. "Eight, nine, ten, in."

The two continued on for a few more moments until Aizawa was calm. Yamada looked at the teacher and smiled. "You okay now, teach?" he asked his friend and Aizawa glared at him for the nickname, making the other laugh. "All right than!" Yamada said, cheeriness back.

He moved to get out from under the table but the other teacher held his shirt, making him turn. "I'-I'm-I don't want to-Just I--" Aizawa mumbled, starting sentences over and starting new ones but Yamada just smiled, falling back into his sitting space.

"'Kay~" Yamada said, leaning back so Aizawa could curl into him again. And the two sat under Aizawa's desk until Nemuri came, yelling at them to come with her t hang out.

okay, yeet you guys, the third season is ahjkjhnhjkjnbhuijhjkjnhuijhb migoshuushid so far and yeah, bye XD

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