Prompt: Family/Seperation

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Family (b/c for once i didn't go the angsty way b/c i wanted to add in some monoshin)

All three of the Yamada's sat on the couch, a blanket around them as they watch a movie. Shouta rested his head on his husbands shoulder, one arm around his son, who grumbled and tried to push himself away. Shouta smirked and looked at his purple haired son. "Hitoshi..." Shouta warned and the former Shinsou rolled his eyes before allowing Shouta to pull him into a side hug.

Hizashi smiled at his husband and son, no longer even looking at the t.v. It was moments like these he cherished, moments like these he wish would last forever, without him or Shouta stressing over grading, or Hitoshi whining about his quirk, or having to worry about villains.

Because it was moments like these where he sat with his family and flt all his love radiate for them.

Suddenly, Hitoshi's phone went off and the boy glanced at his phone, standing up. "Neito wants to hang out." Hitoshi said and looked at his dads. "May I?" he asked and Shouta, being the dad who knew when his son had a crush on someone, smirked.

"Sure, sure. Be back by ten or I'll beat your ass." Shouta said and Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Got it." he said as he walked out the door.

Shouta snuggled into his husband, who wrapped their blanket around them tighter. "He better man up and tell him. It's obvious Neito likes him back." Shouta mumbled and Hizashi laughed.

"You sound like a teenage girl, Shouta." He teased and Shouta smiled at him. "Maybe I am and you just never knew." Shouta said, smiling at Hizashi. The blonde laughed gently. "Oh trust me," he leaned down and whispered in Shouta's ear. "I know."

Shouta rolled his eyes and flicked his husbands forehead. "Shut up and watch the movie." Shouta said and Hizashi snorted. "Shouta~ Baby~ the movie ended already." Hizashi sang out softly.

Shouta huffed out. "Well, than put in another movie." Shouta said. The two spent the rest of the night while they waited for their son to come home watching random movies, some in japanese, some in korean. Only one was in english and that's because Hizashi said he wanted to watch it.

When Hitoshi came home, a soft smile on his lips, Shouta smiled back, beckoning his son over to sit with them again. This time, Hitoshi sank into the cuddle mess willingly, hugging both his parents as they all drifted off to sleep.

When they awoke that morning, a bundle of limbs all tangled up, Shouta smirked at his son. "Did you ask him out yet?" Shouta asked and Hitoshi's face turned red, contrasting with his purple hair and he threw a pancake at his father. "Sh-shut up!' he whined and Hizashi laughed, smiling at this peaceful morning.

Because mornings like this don't always happen, so it's good to cherish the moments you get.

Especially since the villain league attacked later that day.

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