Gene's house

437 7 18

Warning: strong language

Zane's POV:

I laid on the ground coughing after being kicked by Sasha.

I saw a shadow in front of me, I looked up and saw aphmau.
"Hey what happened to you, you fat little nugget?" She asked me.

"Gene happened" I whispered under my breath, "stupid werewolf."
Aphmau helped me up.
"Dang Zane! You are light!"
"No aphmau I'm muscular I'm heavy with muscles!" I yelled.
Aphmau laughed.
"Oh yeah, how did gene beat you than?" She asked smirking.
"Aphmau he is a fucking werewolf! How do you think he beat me?" I asked rhetorically. She rolled her eyes.
I sighed. "Thanks aph I'm glad you chose to help me."
"No probs!"
"I have to go aph see you Monday."

Time skip:
Zane gets home

"Hey Mom, is Dad home?"
"Not yet honey! Say are you going to eat tonight?" Zianna said.
"No mom thanks though." I said as I walked up the stairs.
I opened the door to my room. Ughhhh garroth or Vlad were in there earlier, I can tell because my room is a mess.
I start picking up my stuff from the floor and putting it away.

After I finally finished I sat on my bed and grabbed my x-box controller, and turned on the      x-box. I played Mario kart all night.

Time skip to morning

I woke up and got dressed. I usually take a morning walk right when I wake up but I did not have dinner last night so I will eat breakfast. I walked to the kitchen and got some honey roasted Cheerios. Garroth walked downstairs and messed with my hair but it didn't uncover my eye.
It is all his fault anyways.
"Hello baby brother are you doing ok?" Garroth said.
"I'm fine garroth!" I said stubbornly.
I walked out of the house. Going on my walk will clear my head for sure. I walked past aphmau's house and saw her watching my little horsies through the window. I like her, we have a lot in common maybe she likes me too. I smiled. But she didn't notice me so I kept waking.
Next I walked past Gene's house and saw him in his yard making a lot of snow balls.
I hate those things. I pulled up my mask hiding my freckles from his sight.
Uh oh, he saw me, well shit.
He smiled when he saw me.
Damn I hate winter!
"Where do you think you are going, zane?" He cackled.
"I have been waiting all day for you to go on your stupid walk."
"You have been waiting for me?" I gulped.
He grabbed a snow ball.
"Come here Zane, now!"
"Fuck off gene!" I yelled.
He growled and let his ears and tail out of hiding.
"Wait gene! I'm sorry I'll go over there as you asked but please don't hurt me again!"
"That is more like it." He grinned.
He pointed at the ground. " Get on your knees, you might want to cover your face." He warned, I listened. I covered my face and got on the ground.
He threw a snowball at me over and over again, until he ran out.
"Why do you always have that sweater on? Someone important give it to you? Take it off!"
"But gene it is snowing!"
"You wear that sweater during the summer too."
"Gene I can't."
"Do it!"
"Gene i-"
"Do it or I will!"
I took it off.

Gene's POV:

Holy shit!

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