high school drama

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Author fact: zane is my favorite character on aphmau. BUT... bad things will happen to him 😫 I hope whoever reads this will comment anything that they want to know and I will reply... not my fault if I die before I finish this book, sorry in advance! I will try to write on every Thursday and Sunday! Comment advice plz!!!

Gene's pov:
It was a cold tuesday afternoonm, the school year is almost over, not like I care, i don't even attend my classes. I was not looking forward to it, because I than can not bully the emo nerd that has an annoying voice. He gets really annoying and me, zenix, and sasha. We pick on him because he won't leave us alone. I'm glad his brother doesn't know, that means that he was obeying us.
I could see zane in the corner of my eye. I sighed zenix stood up ready to tell him to go away and if he didn't go than he might punch the nerd. I jumped from the top of the bleachers and joined zenix, Sasha had already been standing so she just took a step toward us.
"Gene!" He smiled. "Hey can I join yet?"
"No, you will never join us. We will never let you, you emo nerd!"
Zane got on his knees head facing down. He looked up .
"Please let me join!" He begged. He clapped his hands together. "Pretty please?" I shook my head and he got up. "Fine than, just don't be a bully and I will leave you guys alone."
Zenix grabbed zanes shirt. "You don't get to tell us what we can and can't do you little shit! If I want to bully a fucking emo nerd I will, I only follow what gene tells me what to do." Zane finched at every word. He shut his eyes tight.
"Well maybe you should try to be More respectful!" Zane yelled at Zenix. His eyes still shut tight.
"Excuse me??? You are the one being so disrespectful." Zenix balled his fist, he then looked at me and I nodded.
Zenix still holding zane pulled back his hand, he pushed his fist into Zane's stomach.
"Ooooooffff uuuugggggghhh owwwwwww" Zane groaned. He tried to grab his stomach but Zenix pulled him off the ground and zane was too short to reach his stomach, and gravity was keeping his arms down.
Zane was a skinny with 2 brothers one adopted so he was the real youngest child and Garroth was really protective over Zane so we had to be careful if we hurt Zane nowhere that Garroth would be able to see.
Zenix punched Zane in the gut again.
Zane started coughing so I told gene to stop for now, Zenix let go of Zane making him fall to the ground.
Zane got up ready to run off but Zenix push him back down.
Sasha kicked zane and I stood back watching.
"Bbbbrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnngggggg!!!" The bell rang.
"Let's go guys." I told the gang. "Schools over no need to stay on school grounds any longer."

Zene One Sided LoveWhere stories live. Discover now