Chapter 8: Vidcon!!!! (Finally)

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"Get up lazy bones, It's Vidcon time." I yell in Dan's ear. He jumps so high he falls off the bed. "What the hell, it's 6:50 am. Why do I have to go now?" " Well I know how slow you are at getting ready and you and Phil have the first panel. So get up, your panel is at 8:00. Let's go!" I say. My panel is at 9:00. I'm ready. Phil is supposed to meet us here at 7:00 so we can all walk together. I'm dreading my panel. It's with Mitch, Jerome, Ashley, and Jordan. Yes Jordan. I know that little kid out there is going to ask a question about our relationship. Well I'm fine with that. We are not together. Ever. So there.

Le time skip to Vidcon.

Dan, Phil and I arrive at around 7:30 so they can get ready for the panel. So he leaves me alone.... on my own. I haven't been bombarded with fans yet so hopefully the don't go super fangirl/fanboy on my. I was walking around seeing if I recognize anybody and then I see him. The one and only Tyler Oakley. He's so adorable. Should I go say hi? What the heck, let's go. I walk over to him and say hi. We get into a conversation about his deer on his wall and then I check the time. It's 7:59. I'm going to be late for Dan and Phil's panel. 


She's late. Maybe she got caught up in some fans or something. I wait as much as I can then I see her. I run to her but Angela stops me. "I'll take care of her, you have a show to do." I mouth thank you as Phil drags me out to the stage.


Dan's going to hate me. As I scramble around for a seat, this woman comes up to me with  headset on. "Hi I'm Angela, our a close friend of Dan's correct?" She asks me. "Yes, I am." "Come with me then" She says as she guides me towards the front. She has me sit down in the isle seat in the first row. Dan waves to me. I blush and wave back. Everyone's looking at me now. My anxiety is setting in. What if they don't like me? What if they want to kill me cause I'm friends with Dan. The rest of the panel was a daze. Dan and Phil played a game and hugged. They hugged. The fangirl inside of me wanted to scream. He was taken back stage and everyone cleared out. My panel was next. Oh god, please kill me now. 

Angela taps me on the shoulder. "Hi again, I'm going to be you supervisor for your panel. I'll get your makeup done hair and make sure you sit in the perfect spot. She sits me down in a chair and a stylist does my hair. She straightens it and pulls it back into a ponytail. "We want to make you look as casual as possible but still look stunning, so I found you this." she holds up a Tryhardninja shirt that said Get off my block with a diamond necklace on the shirt. "I love it! Thank you so much." I said singing the song in my head. "Rachel we are ready for you. Just as she said that Mitch walks up from behind me. "Hey. You Ready?" He asked. "Yeah, will you sit by me, so I don't have to sit with Jordan." "Yeah of course, anything for you." I blush. We walk out and I sit down. "Hello everybody" Mitch starts to say but I cut him off. "What going on doods It's Mitch or BajanCan- wow wrong intro sorry had a little to much coffee this morning." Everyone was laughing. "How dare you, I'll see you after the panel." He said playfully. "Ooh I'm so scared."  "Can we please get on with the panel."  Jordan said angrily "Who crapped in your cornflakes?" The audience was cracking up. "I think you know who." He said giving me a hateful look. "It's not my fault you- never mind. This is my first panel how do you guys do things?" I asks they guys and Ashley. "Well we usually just take questions from the audience. So if we could have everyone line up if you have a question and we will try to answer it." Everyone got up except for a couple of people and this little girl about 8 or 9. She was just staring me and I waved to her. She smiled and waved back. We went though a couple of questions and then this boy ask the question. " Are you and Jordan dating or have ever been?" Jordan was about to say something when I interrupted him. "No we not nor have ever been dating. Thanks for the question. Next in line please." I said casually with Jerome and Mitch staring at me. What, I mouthed to them both. They stopped staring at me and listened to Jordan answer a question about how long his UMS series is going to go to. The panel ended and Jerome pulled me aside. "What's going on with you and Jordan?" He asked "Nothing we just had a fight." "Rachel, Jordan loves you and whatever he did to piss you off I'm sure he's really sorry. Mitch and I have recorded some videos with him in the past couple of days and he seems down. I think you should forgive him." "I'll think about it Jerome, thank you." I said giving him a hug. I got a text from Dan. It read. Are you going to the Vidcon party tonight in the hotel? There will be karaoke and I know how much you love to sing. I texted back. Of course!! Wouldn't miss it for the world. He texted I'll see you there. Dan is so nice. Anyway I need to find a whole list of youtubers. First Shane Dawson. While I look for him I meet up with Emily. "I'm so happy your here, I just met Jordan! He's awesome." "Me and Jordan are fighting right now." I said and her smile dropped. "I'm sorry." "No it's not your fault I'm going to talk to him at the party tonight. Do you want to be my plus 1?" "That would be great, I love you so much!" She said giving me a hug. "I'm trying to find Dan and Phil but they are nowhere to be found." "I have a feeling I know where Dan is, Follow me." I say grabbing her wrist. We go to the basement where the snacks and stuff are. There he is, stuffing his face with malteasers. "Hey" He said with a mouth full of candy. "Hey, this is Emily and she is a really big fan of you and Phil." "Hi, I'm Emily." She said extending her hand for him to shake it. He pulled her into a hug and I saw the look on her face. She was having an inner fangirl moment. I had that when I met Mitch and Jerome. "You ok there Em?" I ask with the biggest smile on my face. "It's just, I've watched you video's since the beginning and I never though I would ever meet you let alone hug you." She said The were just staring at each other. "I'm going to go find Shane Dawson, call me when you get to the hotel and I'll let you in." "K" Is all I got from the girl. Well I was off on my quest to find Shane when I turned the corner to go up the stairs and ran into someone. OMFG, it was John Cozart. I absolutely love him. I was having an inner fangirl moment. "H...hi sorry I ran into you" I say helping him pick up his sheet music. "It's cool" he said as he finished picking up his stuff. "I'm Jon, nice to meet you." "I'm Rachel, and I love you! I mean um. Sorry I didn't mean to sound stalkerish but I love your music." I finally get out. "Thanks. Wait are you Rachel Carter. I love your voice! Maybe we should collab together or something. Here's my number, call me when you want to hang out." "Ok I'll see you at the party tonight right?" "Of course, I wouldn't miss a karaoke party, maybe we should do a song together." "Cool, I'll see you there!" I yell back to him as we walk past each other. I can't wait for that party!

I walk around a little bit and I see that girl from the panel. She runs up to me and says "Can you sign this please." "Of corse, what's your name?" I ask " Jessica and this is Becky, my best friend." I sign it and Becky and Jessica give me a hug and I wave to them. I love metting fans. They are cute.

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