Commitment Issues - Yami Yugi

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Beautiful, yes, you supposed that staring up into the crystal clear blue skies most people would describe it like that. The sun reflected off tall buildings and bathed everything on the street from shop fronts to stand alone stalls in its rays, very little was downcast or in shadows and perhaps, that was some sort of omen or sign that all would be alright.

Groups of people chattered as they passed, groups of friends, couples and the odd person alone crowded the busy streets. Today was important, today was monumental, perhaps it would make history. Well that's what the announcer on the too large to not be obnoxious TV was yelling hyping up the crowd for the duel of the century. Seto Kaiba had picked the weather, too bad it would be a beautiful day for his umpteenth defeat.

A small almost rueful smile graced your lips at the thought, you needed to hurry up if you wanted to catch the duel from the stadium. You could imagine... the group of friends Yugi. and his other self... The titled king of games, held so dear already in their seats cheering until next they lost their voices as if they needed to. With him... Victory seemed so assured.

The vision you had in your mind of the cheer squad was almost perfectly recreated as you reached the stadium, cheers and chatter have the place in an energetic atmosphere. The large central field with duelling platform carefully marked reminded you of old tales of the Colosseum. Built so that the sun rose on one side and set on the other, an entrance for life and one for death and just like back in those times one man would be king of games the other would leave in defeat.

"Hey ____! You cut it close it's almost starting!" Joey yelled the over dramatic blonde never ceased to amaze you with how much relentless energy he seemed to hold.

"Sorry I got caught up on the way here" you smiled and brushed it off.

You also ignore the petty once over and eye roll Tèa gave you. The girl needed to stay in her own lane and quit acting like Yugi was property to be fought over like dogs in heat.

You chatted to the people present, Tristan, Mai and even Bakura who had showed up. It wasn't long before the deep voice of Seto Kaiba was heard throughout, a long winded speech on the king of games title and how this duel would prove it was a title which was rightfully his.
You quietly scoffed, if you had a dollar for every time he went on that rant you could've bought his company by now.

Yugi... The other Yugi, the darker personality you had come to know residing in the millennium puzzle walked out an air of unparalleled confidence and quiet strength that you admired. The duel was underway with a quick remark.

"We'll see Kaiba... May the best duellist win" he offered.

"Hah, spare me Yugi I already know I'm going to win, so let's stop pretending that the outcome of this duel isn't already set" the CEO of Kaiba Corp spat arrogantly before the duel commenced.

It was like script with these two now and yet the crowd lapped it up, the strategies and finesse of both duellist enough to keep anyone interested time and time again. It was close it always was yet last minute when on his knees Yugi returned spectacularly, a last minute combo which turned the tides and swept victory to him. As if the very gods placed the card he needed in his hand. It always left you breathless watching him duel.

The aftermath was usual, Kaiba swearing a rematch and storming off, Yugi swamped by his friends congratulations and you staying back until the commotion had died down. The others had the tendency to be more overbearing than you could take and when they parted you stepped forward. 

"Great duelling as always, well done Pharaoh it looks like the king lives another day" you said enthusiastically, you'd never tire of watching him duel. 

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