The Box in Another Box in a Box That has a Box and in That Box, There's a Box.

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Erza grinned as she entered the familiarness of the Arena. It was time to check out the annoying things Tide left her to do. Seriously though, this was from her mission. Why can't she just solve whatever was in the box? It was like accepting to do paperwork files like the King and then shoving them to her last minute to 'check' it and basically redo the paper.

But then again, he was the King who always made annoying visits during her precious instruction time.

Erza mumbled to herself for a bit before flipping the journal page to the page Tide had bookmarked as 'Stuff'. Way to be specific, Tide.

"Use Gold and Silver keys first. Then Obsidian. Then Iron. Then Copper and lastly use the Glass Key." Erza read aloud and followed the instructions. Opening the box to reveal another box.

She then used the black key and unlocked another box.

After the black key, she used the Iron Key.

To reveal another box.

After the Iron Key, she used the Copper one.

To reveal another freakin' box.

Now, the innocent box wasn't mean at all. (It was a box! How could it be mean?) But Captain Erza Knightwalker, one who runs on a very tight fuse, was not amused. Not the least bit.

At the edge of her temper, she used the Glass key and unlocked the small box.

Inside the box was a dark key that went from black to its grey tip.

Curse those keys and boxes! What am I supposed to do with a tiny key? What? Fight with it?

Erza howled in rage and chucked the nearest thing, a poor vase, out the window. It resulted in an inhuman growl sounding from the other side. 

Shoving the keys into her secret pocket beneath the ceremonial armor, she peered curiously over the edge and saw ruby red eyes. Staring up at her.

It was a pack of very grey wolves, yet these wolves were not flesh and blood. They were clearly pieced together by a brilliant hand and a brilliant mind. The ultimate weapon where no one gets hurt except the enemy. Right now, however. The wolves thought everyone was an enemy. Or was it a distraction? An act? A fake attack so that they could worm themselves into the Kingdom?

She looked farther and saw the limp body of a gardening maid with a flower pot by her side. Her blood feeding the plants she was supposed to nurture.

She whisked away from the window and ran towards the place she came from. The King was in danger! No, wait-The Castle was under attack!

"GET YOUR SORRY BEHIND OVER TO THE GARDENS! DON'T LET THEM IN THE CASTLE! SECURE THE DOORS! PROTECT THE GUESTS AND THE SERVANTS! SEND PLATOONS TO THE ROYAL CITY! BE ON LOOKOUT! HURRY UP, YOU SORRY EXCUSES FOR SOLDIERS! WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!" Erza yelled as she barged through the castle, like a raging inferno, most of the soldiers were smart enough to cling to the walls in her wake.

Soon, after yelling all of Edolas awake, she trampled through the hallway and into the meeting room just to see King Jellal and Aglor, or whatever his name was fighting a trio of the mechanical wolves.

"Your Highness!" She yelled, trying to grab her king's attention before snarling at the incoming beasts, "COME AND FIGHT SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, YOU MUTTS!"

As if sensing a challenge, two of the beasts darted towards her and flew at her with their rusty limbs. They had the iron gleaming bodies of some sort of mechanic attraction.

Smirking as the familiar feel of a fight rippled through her trained muscles, she grabbed the airborne mechanism and smashed it into its partner. The clang of the iron against iron rang through the halls. She felt a large amount of pain from the loud sound it had caused, only the guy, Algor, seemed unaffected. Even the machines themselves seemed to be hesitant to move with such noise.

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