Hes taken the bait

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3 days later and Erin's undercover op was bringing her closer to getting kidnapped. Maybe too close...
"Amber, start tracking Lindsay and call Collins. He's taken the bait." Gomez shouted into his phone as he jogged to his car whilst watching the van drive into the distance.

"That was Amber, he's taken the bait." Collins told Voight. "She's tracking them to an empty part of town."
"Okay, send your guys and I'll come with you." Voight told him.
"What about your guys?" Collins asked as they headed towards the rest of the unit.
"Well, Halstead and Burgess went to get coffee and Dawson can know." Voight decided.
"Lindsay's gone, Ambers tracking her and Gomez is following her." Collins explained, whilst the rest of the unit gathered their stuff and headed for the cars.
"What about Halstead?" Dawson asked Voight. "And Burgess?"
"They aren't here and I need someone who can stay level headed." Voight said as they got into a car.
"What do you mean?" Dawson asked, his question not being answered, leaving a silence in the vehicle. "Wait, Lindsay?" He said, finally picking up on the name that had only been mentioned once.
"Yep." Voight answered, following the rest of the cars. "You're gonna find out some stuff today that I need you to keep quiet until Erin decides it's the right time." Voight said briefly.
"Okay." Dawson agreed as they pulled up to the abandoned warehouse Amber had tracked them to.
"Gomez?" Adams said into his radio.
"I'm on the opposite roof." A voice replied, they all turned around and saw the glint of a gun on the roof.
"Okay then, let's get Erin home to Chloe." Collins said as they prepared to breech the building.

A few minutes later, they had cleared almost all rooms and taken two guys into custody before Dawson and Adams came to the last door. "NYPD!" Adams shouted before kicking the door down. Their colleague had a knife held to her throat by their suspect.
"Put down the knife." Dawson stated, his voice confusing the drugged up, barely conscious Erin.
"Not until you turn around and leave." He replied with a shrug, the blade growing closer to Lindsay's throat until a trail of blood flowed down her neck.
"Not gonna happen." Adams said, holding down the button on his radio so that Gomez could here what was going on and... BANG he fell to the ground with a single bullet wound directly to the middle to the back of his head. "Good shot." Adams said, looking out the window with a smirk.
"Aren't they always?" Gomez said, packing up his sniper and rushing down the stairs whilst Voight arrived in the room and an ambulance was called.
"Hey Er, can you hear me kid?" Voight said, Antonio holding Erin's limp body in his arms whilst Voight crouched next to them.
"She's pretty drugged up, probably thinks she's hallucinating with us being here." Antonio explained to him and the paramedics as they arrived.

"Chloe?" Erin stuttered as she came around in the hospital.
"Ambers on her way over." Voight answered.
"Your still here?" Erin asked, a smile creeping over her face.
"Yeah, your team and a few of mine are finishing the paper work off." Voight explained.
"Is Jay here?" Erin asked.
"Yeah, as well as Burgess and Dawson." Voight said.
"Oh.. do they know?" Erin asked.
"Dawson does, he was the one who found you." Voight answered.
"Does he know about.." she drained off.
"Jay, no." Voight assured her as Chloe came rushing in, followed by Amber.
"Mommy!" Chloe squealed as she ran in but stopped at the bed.
"Don't worry sweety, you can come up here, mommy isn't hurt." Erin Said with a smile as her daughter clambered onto the bed.
"Sarge wants my report so I need to head off." Amber apologised.
"You go, I've got a feeling neither of these two will leave me alone." Erin said with a smile.
"Hi grandpa Hank." Chloe said with a smile, as she registered the man sat next to her mums bed.
"Hey munchkin." Voight said ruffling her hair.
"I will never get over how soft you go around her." Erin Said with a laugh as Chloe curled back into her side. "When she's older she will have you wrapped around her little finger."
"Does that mean you're considering moving back?" Voight Asked, a small smile on his face.
"It's been on my mind recently, if I am going to do it I want to do it before she starts school." Erin explained.
"Everything's still there for you to come back." Voight offered.
"But what about Jay?" Erin said, sing her eyes to gesture to Chloe.
"He'd have to get used to it or I'd kick him from my unit." Voight said with a shrug.
"Did the doc say how long I've got to stay?" She Said, with a certain look on her face. A look of anxiety mixed with nervousness mixed with excitement is probably the only way it could be described.
"I'll go check." He Said, getting out of his seat he added with a smirk, "what are you plotting Lindsay?"
"My great return." She answered.

Less than an hour later Erin half ran up the stairs into her unit. "Hey guys." She said as she saw only her team, "Wheres the Chicago Lot?"
"Went out exploring I think, they're coming back in the morning if you want to meet them?" Taylor said.
"Okay." Erin Said, her plan failing already.
"Good to see you up so fast." Adams said with a smile.
"Yeah, heard I have this cut because someone was too slow at taking the shot." She joked with Gomez.
"Yeah, I'm the only reason you're still standing L." Gomez used the nickname given to her on her first day. "Anyway Wheres CC?" He asked.
"Spending some quality time with her grandad." Erin said with a smile.
"Lindsay, what you doing back so fast?" Collins said coming out of his office.
"I actually wanted to speak to you." She Said, her expression dropping slightly.
"Okay, come on in." Joe said, kind of knowing what she was going to say.
"I want to transfer back to Chicago, I think it's about time Chloe meets her family." Erin cut to the chase.
"Jay seems like a good guy and I know Voight and Dawson will have your back." Joe said kindly.
"You knew this was coming didn't you." She stated.
"I guessed when I saw you back here." He Said with a cocky shrug. "See you tomorrow L." He said shaking her hand as she got up to leave.
"What was that about?" Adams called as she walked out.
"I'm moving back to Chicago." Erin Said with a sad smile. "I promise I'll come visit all the time." She added.

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