Grandpa Hank

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So I know how complicated all the names are so I have wrote out all the names and a small bit about them in the next chapter, anyway hope you like this new story and leave a comment with any suggestions.
"We've got nothing on this case but dead ends." Detective Justin Adams complained as he glanced at their board full of victims and leads that lead no where.
"So, our case has matched a case from a unit in Chicago who chased our guy but lost him when he moved on." Sargent Joe Collins sated, walking from his office. "They had the same guy, same technique but he moved on before they could get him. They are sending a few cops that worked on the case down tomorrow to help us out."
"What unit? I might know them." Lindsay asked, nervously.
"Intelligence unit from the 21st precinct." Collins answered.
"I think I know them.." Lindsay said, giving her Sargent a glance that said keep quiet. He was the only person who knew who knew who Chloe's dad was.
"What if we sent Lindsay undercover?" Detective Aaron Gomez thought out loud. "She looks like she could be his type?" He said turning to the Sargent.
"You up for it?" Collins asked her.
"Definitely." She answered with a nod.
"Can I speak with you in my office to arrange the details?" Collins said, holding the door open for her. As soon as the door was shut he started speaking. "So this is your old unit?"
"Yep so going undercover would get me out of the way and make it less awkward." Lindsay said.
"What about Chloe?" Joe asked.
"Let Amber work from home, we all know Chloe doesn't like new people." She offered.
"Sounds like a plan, you want to go home, get sorted and spend some time with Chloe now?"
"Thanks Sarge." Erin Said with a nod.
"We aren't going to get anywhere new today so you've all got the afternoon off, Amber I want you to stay at home tomorrow and look after Chloe because we know she doesn't like new people, Gomez you're watching Erin's back whilst she's undercover. The rest of you I want you in on time tomorrow." Collins ordered.

"Hey Beth, Chlo! Are you two in here?" Erin called as she walked into the apartment.
"Hey Erin, I didn't know you were coming home early?" Beth said as Chloe bolted as Erin. Beth was Erin's babysitter as well as Sargent Collins's daughter.
"Hey Baby girl." Erin said picking her daughter up and sitting her on her hip. "I'm going undercover tomorrow so your dad sent me home to spend sometime with little CC here. Oh and you can have the next few days off cause she's staying with Amber."
"Aunt Amber!" Chloe exclaimed lifting her head off her mums shoulder.
"Yeah your gonna go have a sleep over but you need to be really good for her." Erin warned looking into her daughters blue eyes.
"Will do." Chloe promised with a big grin that warmed Erin's heart.
"How about you go and pack some toys to take." Erin Said putting her down on the floor.

The next day, Collins had messaged Erin a few things about her and Aaron's cover Ids as well as telling her not to come into the office and to just drop Chloe off at Ambers before heading over to Aaron's.
At the precinct the four cops from Chicago had arrived. "You must be Sargent Voight, I'm Sargent Collins." Joe said, heading over to the four cops.
"I am and these are Detecives Halstead, Dawson and Burgess." Voight said shaking his hand.
"These are Detective Adams and officer Taylor." Collins introduced
"You have a small unit." Dawson stated.
"No, I have two officers under cover and a tech girl working from home." Collins explained.
"Anything from your undercovers?" Jay asked, glancing around at the room.
"They're just getting set up now but I'm sure they would be intrigued to know any facts you can share with us about his guy?" Collins asked.
"Well.." Voight went on to explain their case whilst Burgess and Halstead found their way over to Detective Adams and Officer Taylor's desk.
"How long have you lot been working together?" Burgess Asked, curiously.
"Taylor's only been here about six months but aside from that about five years." Adams answered. "What about you lot?"
"About five years as well." Halstead answered before Voight regathered their attention.
"You guys put your heads together, I'm going to speak to Collins in private." Voight told them before both Sargents headed into the office. "So Lindsay?" Voight Asked, once the door was closed.
"She's going undercover and Chloe's at Ambers." Collins explained.
"Ambers your tech girl?"
"Yep." Collins answered. "I can text Amber get her to take Chloe to the park if you want to meet up with her?"
"That would be great."

"Grandpa Hank!" Chloe squealed as she saw the guy her mum saw as a father figure enter the small playground.
"Hey munchkin." Voight said, going down onto one knee so he was closer to her height. "I swear you get bigger every time I see you." Chloe started giggling. "So who's your friend?" Hank asked, standing back up.
"That's Aunty Amber." Chloe stated.
"Amber Jones, I'm Chloe's godmother." Amber introduced herself with a smile.
"Hank Voight." He said as Chloe ran off back to the park.

"So you ready to do this?" Gomez asked as they got ready to leave his apartment.
"Yep." Erin said definitely. She looked down at her phone with a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Aaron asked.
"Chloe's grandpa saying how tall she's got." Erin Said.
"So if he's in town then So is your old unit.. which explains why you were so eager to go undercover." Aaron profiled.
"Don't go all smart on me, yes my old unit is working this case and I just don't want to deal with them begging me to come back." Lindsay explained herself as they got into his car.
"Fair enough." Aaron said, slipping the keys into the ignition.

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