Chapter 2: Milk Tea // 밀크 티

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     Mr. Jang was quite the character. Based on the amount of wrinkles on his face, arms, and neck he seemed to be well into his 50s. He had rather short, greyish-white hair, but it was styled as if he was in his mid 30's; it was clean, looked thick rather than dead and straw like, and he didn't have any bald spots. All but his face made him look so young with just dyed hair. Mr. Jang also had a weak voice, as if he was 90 something and lying on his death bed. Every time he coughed, Taehyung expected him to drop dead then and there. Today Mr. Jang was dressed in a royal blue polo shirt, black dress pants and shoes, with a gold watch on his flimsy wrist. His teacher identification badge was hanging off a clip that was stuck to the bottom hem of his shirt. In his picture he looked just about the same, minus all the wrinkles. He also had jet black hair rather than the grey he sported now. After Mr. Jang had closed the door at the beginning of the hour and sat to take attendance, he never once got up until the bell to dismiss the class sounded.

     Taehyung snapped out of observing Mr. Jang when he heard a pencil drop onto the floor. He looked up and then down at the floor to see a green pencil rolling away from Jeon Jungkook's desk. It stopped parallel to Taehyung's shoe, but too nervous to get up and return it, he gently nudged it with his foot and sent it rolling back towards Jeon Jungkook. Cho Minjung watched as it rolled back, then looked up and gave Taehyung a strange look. Jeon Jungkook gave Taehyung a flat smile; sure he gave him his pencil back but he had shoved it across the dirty floor with his foot to do so.

     Taehyung glanced at the clock and noticed the hour was almost up. He took out the map he picked up this morning, but hadn't used yet because he just looked off Cho Minjung's. He remembered they didn't have this next class together. He pulled out his schedule and tried to find his next classroom. 'Studio Art 1' with Mrs. Byeon in room 106 was next. He had to go back downstairs and head towards the auditorium they were gathered in this morning, only walk past it, take a right at the first hallway and go all the way down to the last classroom. He worried he wouldn't be able to get to class on time as it seemed like a long way, and he knew how crowded the hallways were, and how difficult it might be to try and find his way there alone. Once the bell rang, Taehyung said a quiet goodbye to Cho Minjung, and she reminded him to meet her in the cafeteria fourth hour. He nodded, gave a wave to Mr. Jang who stayed seated at his desk, and started off for the art studio. He took the stairs right in front of Mr. Jang's room and sped walk to ensure he wasn't late. Once downstairs, he noticed the auditorium. He walked along its hallway and took a right at the first hallway. He spotted a woman with bright orange hair at the end of the hall, and let out a breath of relief. He started to walk slower.

     When Taehyung got to the door, the woman who he assumed was Mrs. Byeon greeted him with a big smile.

"Hello/안녕하세요/An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, Mr. Kim!" She exclaimed.

     Taehyung was confused for a moment before remembering he had a name tag on. He gave her a slight bow and smile before entering the studio. He walked in slowly as he looked around, unsure of where to sit. He then spotted Shin Soyeon from his first hour class. She saw him at the door and waved a hand over.

"Come over here, Kim Taehyung!" She said with a wide smile.

"Thank you/Gam-sa-hab-ni-da/감사합니다," He said to her. He went to sit to her left, but then she instructed him to sit at her right in the aisle seat. "I'm saving a spot for a couple friends," She explained after he sat down, earning a nod from him.

    Now that he was settled, he kept his eyes on the door. Although he had been searching for him all morning, the last person he wanted to walk through the door was Jeon Jungkook. He didn't know how he would function in front of him without Cho Minjung by his side. He had known this girl for only a few hours, but she felt like his best friend in comparison to everyone else at this school. His elbow rested upright, allowing him to place his chin in his palm. A familiar face appeared in the doorway, and Taehyung tensed up. Bae Jaehwa, whom he assumed was one of Jeon Jungkook's good friends, if not his best friend, walked in, tossing out a plastic cup halfway filled with milk tea in the trashcan upside down, the liquid spilling over all the trash on the top. After making a face at this action, Taehyung wondered if Jeon Jungkook was right behind Jaehwa as they would've come from the same place. However, Bae Jaehwa looked more roughed up than he was last period. He had pieces of hair sticking out in different directions and his tie was almost completely undone. This rough look scared Taehyung; either a bully existed in these halls and had taught Bae Jaehwa a thing or too, or Bae Jaehwa himself was a bully. Taehyung felt relieved as Bae Jaehwa took a seat 3 rows behind him in the very back of the classroom.

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