Chapter 4 (Charlotte)

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I drove carefully to Spencer's quaint two-story country home, with Auggie's secret Santa gift panting over my shoulder from the back seat. I felt bad about leaving earlier than usual, more because I could have sworn I'd passed up Eric's Mercedes as I left the parking lot of the diner. I already knew Kevin would be in for it, but I needed to get this done before I picked up Auggie from daycare. I lived my life on a tight schedule that left me little room to even breathe. 

I knocked against the warn wooden frame of the screen door and waited tugging my thick jacket against the cool breeze. Turning back to the door, I was met with Spencer's wide coffee brown eyes.  


I smiled against the fluttering in my chest, "Hi."

He brushed a hand through his tight trimmed curls, his lips curving into the shy smile as he shoved his hand into the back pocket of his jeans, and the other opened the screen door. 

"H-hey stranger," He stammered softly a soft tone appeared on his light brown cheeks. 

I swallowed a lump, "Hey Spence, long time no see."

He chuckled uneasily leaning against the doorframe, "Who's fault is that?"

I laughed, "You know me."

"Busy mom," He said, "Only makes time for the people that matter."

That hurt. "Not everyone has their parents to rely on."

His head fell laughing again but with an annoyed undertone, "So what brings you to my neck of the woods Char?" His eyes narrowed.

"I should ask you the same thing," I already started back toward my car. When I heard the screen door slam and I got a small whiff of his cologne. "I'm returning you gift."

His face flinched into a quick grimace, and he smiled, "What gift."

I opened the back door of my car, clutching the leash, and guiding the large pup out of the car.

He chuckled, "Is this a joke?"

"Thank you, but we don't need a dog. I'll bring the rest of his things over later."

He shook his head, "The rest of his things? Char what are you..."

I breathed out in frustration hating that he kept the charade going, "Look it was really thoughtful, and we were surprised but we can't accept this."  I pushed the leash in his direction.

He looked at the dog and back at me, "Char, can we talk."

"I don't have time to talk. I need to pick up Auggie." I stepped closer, "You can come to the house and you can pick up everything else."

He blew out a breath, "What if I told you I did leave the dog."

I grabbed his hand and slipped the leash in it, "Then, that's all I need to hear."  He called my name, but I got into the front seat and left exhaling a sigh of relief.  The next thing I needed to do was explain to Auggie what happened to his Christmas gift.  He was only three and a half, he wouldn't even remember the pain of his dog he'd had barely 24 hours 'running away'. He'd get over it. He had to. 

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