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They looked around. There were bodies everywhere. By the look of it, about 20 of them lay dead in the ground. "What the hell?" Dean muttered as he looked around at the many bodies and disembodied heads. He would've thought they were innocents until he saw they're teeth. Fangs. All the vampires. Dead. Was another hunter here before them?

"Ah," a voice echoed behind a pillar. "How nice of you to join us, Castiel. Metatron walked out with a raggedy-looking man behind him. That must be Gadreel's original meat suit.

"Metatron" Cas said, stepping in front Dean. He let the blade glide out of his sleeve into his hand.

"What do you want, Metatron?" Cas said, anger filling his deep sea eyes.

"All I want is for you to back off"

"And let you take over heaven? That's not going to happen." Cas snapped back almost immediately

"Well there's one thing you're forgetting, Castiel," Metatron said. "you're not an angel anymore. You have no power against me, or anyone for that matter. You're like a lost puppy, looking for a home." he said with his lips puckered. Gadreel stayed behind him, blade in hand, ready to pounce.

"And for your 'army'." Metatron said, putting air quotes around the word "army". "Has nothing against what I'm creating. So if you want to save the lives of the few angels you're recruiting," Metatron said, lowering his hands and putting on a serious expression. "Back. Down." He stepped towards Cas so that he was in the same space bubble as him and Dean. Dean took a step back, feeling uncomfortable, but Cas stood his ground.

"No." Cas said, keeping a steady glare with Metatron. Metatron took a few steps back and gestured his fingers towards Gadreel. Gadreel stepped up and took Metatron's place in front of Cas. Gadreel held up his blade. Cas squeezed his fist and tightened the grip on the lethal dagger in his hand.

"I tried to be nice, Castiel. I really did." Metatron turned around, on the other side of the room now. "I was trying to do things the easy way but I guess you have other ideas." he said. "I didn't want it to be like this, Castiel, but you give me no other choice." he was holding a door open and started walking through it. "I never lose, brother mine, I never lose..." his voice trails off as he walks away. Right before the door closed, he gestured his fingers towards Gadreel then let the door slam behind him.

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