Hidden wings - Virgil x Patton & Logan x Roman

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I love being home alone :D

Virgil stared at himself in the mirror, flattening his wings against his back as he pulled his purple t-shirt over his head, adding the jacket afterwards. He didn't know why he was the only side to have wings, but he did know he would rather keep them hidden then have the other sides question him about it - maybe even asking him to fly.

He has in the past, but only to the roof of his room - which wasn't that high up - as he had a fear of heights, and could easily fall out of the air if he lost control.

It was easier to keep them hidden, and if the sides were to find out, he supposed he would try and make up some excuse.

Dragging his tired body to the table, he slumped into a chair, head resting in his arms to hide the smile that brightened onto his face after Patton affectionately ruffled his hair, kissing his temple lovingly afterwards. "Here you go, Angel!" Patton grinned, placing his breakfast down in front of him. Logan, who sat opposite, watched with a little happiness glinting in his eyes. He always enjoyed the morning time, no one was arguing, everyone was affectionate, it was pleasant to watch.

Even Roman was calm. Calm before the dramatic, gay storm.

Speaking of, said aspect wandered in, leaning on the back of Logan as he kissed behind his ear, trailing down to his jaw, making Logan shudder but smile a little at his boyfriend.

"Take it somewhere else" Virgil muttered, staring at them grumpily over his arms, lifting himself up to eat the tasteful breakfast made by his perfect boyfriend. Patton only giggled, placing Roman'a breakfast on the seat beside Logan, letting the royal sluggishly sit in the chair, intertwining his fingers with Logan as the two ate their breakfast in silence, enjoying the others company.

Plopping beside Virgil, the Father-like aspect wound an arm around his waist, letting Virgil lean on him as the two ate. "So, Roman" Patton grinned, dragging out his name while wriggling his eyebrows. Both Roman and Logan glanced up, raising their eyebrows at the same time, Roman looking much more tired, though.

Patton only giggled, ever since the start of Roman and Logan's relationship they acted as if they were one person, for example if one of them is called it is always a definite that both will show up. It was adorable! They're both so protective over the other.

"Yes, padre?" Roman shot him a dazzling, charming smile, gesturing for him to carry on.

"Remember what you said yesterday? You'd take us on an adventure!" Virgil and Logan both simultaneously groaned, praying that Roman wouldn't be reminded of that promise he made the day earlier, but of course Patton would remind him.

Suddenly, Roman jumped up, nearly choking on the food in his mouth. "Yes!" He yelled out, scoffing down the food in his bowl, milk dribbling down his chin as he rushed to his room, shouting incoherently - something about getting the stuff ready for the adventure. Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He loves his boyfriend, but that was truly gross.

The sides finished their food, already dressed and ready to go wherever Roman wanted to take them. Walking towards the imagination, Patton and Virgil walked behind Logan hand in hand, smirking to each other as Logan unknowingly walked faster, wanting to get to his boyfriend quickly, not liking being away from him.

Patton turned to his own boyfriend once they stopped outside the imagination, hugging his waist loosely and leaning on the wall beside a fidgeting Logan, eyes darting around for Roman.

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