chapter 1: the thrill of performing again

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A / N : This fanfiction is to pair up with the prompt @Frosting_Doll commented on in my prompt book (the book is called 'Blep' if you want to request!). This is set with MARs five years after the ending of Dear My Future, and it's just full of sadness and happiness and everything, really. This might be 2-4 chapters long, depending on how long each chapter may go. I hope you like this! (Also, I'm quite worried I might've made the characters too OOC, and if I did, I accept constructive criticism! I swear I won't bite. And I haven't watched Pretty Rhythm in such a long time so there might be inaccuracies with the places, characters, etc.)

Word count: 12, 056 words

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The phone snapped, the flash of it seemed to make Aira slightly misguided on what was happening, but she was able to recompose herself as this certain fan of hers faced her while shaken, "Thank—thanks, you—I didn't expect to see you here, or actually, I didn't expect I'd meet you!" She had stuttered out in an excited ramble, and Aira chuckles delightfully at the unexpected fan.

"No problem, and to be fully honest—I'm just here—nevermind, ignore that. Uh—" Aira immediately regrets trying to explain the reason of her presence back in Japan—she doesn't want to spread speculation online; she has seen how overly crazy social media is with idols. "Are you going to post that online?" she asks instead so she would be able to swerve the conversation in a different direction.

The fan hesitates for a moment, fiddling with her phone in her hands, chipping off some of the paint on her phone case, "I mean, if you don't want me posting it, I respect you—your privacy." she replies, and Aira is honestly very grateful she encountered a fan like this, much different from the fans she remembers five years ago. Aira waves her hand, telling the fan in a way that 'it's okay'.

"No, no, I'm cool with it." Aira beams at the fan, the fan seems to reciprocate and beams back, "tag me in it if you wish, I'll like the post immediately." Aira adds, and the fan nods gleefully, clasping her phone even tighter.

"Oh!" she says, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Of course, I'll tag you." she adds, still a bit shaken up, "Ah—sorry, I must be holding you up, I'll leave now. I gotta be somewhere too," she bids Aira farewell, waves politely, and runs off in a cheerful skip. Aira chuckles at her enthusiasm, she thinks that was one of the best and nicest fans she's ever seen.

Aira is suddenly aware that she might've been running late as she looks at her watch, it was almost past 10:30AM, and Mion and Rizumu must've been waiting for her impatiently in the cafe. So, she decides to try in walk faster while avoiding the crowds, hunting for the certain cafe Rizumu had recommended to them (probably a unique cafe that served certain kinds of meat, that was always what Rizumu hunts for in a restaurant anyway). At the same time, Aira thinks they might've been used to her tardiness and clumsiness in handling schedules by now, so Aira didn't stress herself out on trying to get to the place.

Luckily, after curving the corner of the street, she finds the cafe there. It was petite and frankly, old styled. Aira thought the cafe looks quite aesthetically pleasing, very plain but it was decorated with flowers of different kinds. Before she gets too mesmerized by the beauty of the cafe, she decides to enter, bell chimes ringing as the door opens.

She gets greeted by an old woman behind the counters (and she greets back, of course), and decides to scan the room to find her old time friends. She spots them in the corner of the room next to the windows, already sipping some drinks they've ordered without Aira.

She immediately runs up to the table, and upon seeing her, Rizumu and Mion both stand up excitedly in unison to hug Aira dearly. Aira can sense a hint of nostalgia while she hugs them both tightly, remembering the times where she'd perform with them in a daily basis.

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