Chapter 3

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So, I just added a pic of May and June at the side! Aren't they SO CUTE!

Keep commenting and voting!!!!



"Skye, don't play with your food." my step-father, David orders.

"Yes, sir" I mumble.

"Don't mumble!" my mother barks.

"Sorry ma'am" I say softly, slumping down in my seat.

"Sit up straight" David says.

"SIR,YES,SIR!" I scream. My mother is always making sure I have perfect manners, David is always drilling me like a military seargent. I am so sick of it.

"Skye Avril Ossen! Thou shalt not take that tone with me, young lady. March straight to your room this instant!" David is standing, his face is red. I stand up, and walk right past him without blinking.

Half an hour later, I hear my door open softly.

"Go away." I moan and flop over to face the door. It is wide open, but there is nobody there. I hear a small whimper coming from the floor beside my bed. I look down and see the most adorable, brown, puppy dog eyes staring up at me.

"Hey May" I smile at my all white Havanese puppy. She gives another soft wimper, so I pick her up and place her on the bed beside me. She climbs up on me and licks my face before running to the end of the bed and loooking out the door. Standing there is my other Havenese puppy, June. She is black with a white muzzle and chest. May and June are sisters. i pick June up and place her on my bed beside May. They curl up on either side of me, almost like they know everything. They are probably my favourite thing in this life.


I wake up to two little pink tongues licking my face. I smile at the two puppies and get ready for school. I am about to leave the house when my mother comes into the room, and steps between me and the door.

"hey there!' i say, glancing at the clock. If she doesn't hurry up i am going to miss my bus.

"Skye, i have been noticing you axting strange . Something is wrong. And I intend on finding out what." she raises an eyebrow and i hear one of her highheels tapping the floor in an impatient matter.

"Nope, nothing is wrong" I smile. There is no way that I will ever tell her what is happening to me. I keep that little secret to the dogs.

"Hmmmm." she stares at me disapprovingly. She doesn't believe me, but she walks away into the kitchen, leaving me to run to the bus stop.

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