Chapter 11

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"The Litilses are coming today." Judy peaks her head in my door.

"Yay!!" I exclaim. For a couple months a couple, Hannah and Julian Litilse, has been visiting me regularly. They are really nice, and apparently they are Thinking of adopting. Today they are bringing their daughter, Sea.

I've all but forgotten the characters my mind created months ago. I never hear them anymore. My only friends are Teresa and Richa, now that Cheyna has been adopted.

A half hour later, I am called down to the "greeting room" I flounce down the stairs, and turn into the room. I freeze.

It can't be. They're idenentical, but I thought I was done with the visions. Sitting in a chair bedside Mrs. Littilse is Echo. She looks dealer than ever, and she meets my shocked face with a grin , standing up to greet me, hand outstretched.

"Hi! i'm Sea" she says, squeezing my hand in a firm shake. I am frozen. Sea Litilse is the perfect replica of Echo, yet Sea seems more real. I had never noticed it, but Echo always used to glow around the edges. Sea is not glowing.

"Something wrong honey?" Mrs. Litilse asks, her sweet voice think with concern.

"Oh no, Hannah." I said then turned to Sea. "You just remind me so much of... of a friend I used to know. " Sea nods understandingly.

We spend the afternoon happily. I learn that Sea not only looks like Echo, but acts like her too. We are best friends easily and I learn that I am sad when they have to go.


Will I dream of Echo tonight? I lay awake in my bed, unable to sleep. I am too scared that meeting Sea today will be the trigger that causes my schizophrenia to come back. I don't have anymore ime to worry, though as I hear a knock on my door.

"Skye? Are you awake?" Teresa'a slim figure slips into my room.

"Come in Tico!" I encourage. "What's wrong?"

"Are you leaving me?" she whispered, so quietly I barely even heard her.

"Oh, Tico! Don't worry. I do think that the Litilses might adopt me. But that doesn't mean that we can't text. Or talk to each other on Facebook. When you get adopted we can visit each other. But until then, you have Richa."

"I'm not going to ever get adopted." she said. Through the dark of the night I saw tear lines gleaming on her face.

"TERESA LINDMAN! YOU ARE GOING TO FIND A FAMILY! Someone out there needs you just as much as you need them. Don't give up hope, Tico. I love you" I pulled her into a hug and held her there until she stopped shuddering.

"Thanks Skye" she smiled, and then walked out the door, only one floorboard creaking under her.

I didn't dream of Echo that night.

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