Untitled Part 11

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~ 8 weeks later ~

Valt's Pov.

     I woke up smiling. "Shu is gonna be okay and out of the hospital TODAY!," I yelped. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!," I said still smiling. "When are we going to meet Shu, Valt? my mom asked. "I don't know, but I hope it's soon!," I said jumping up and down. " I looked at the time and it was Nine O'clock. " Only a few hours before meeting Shu!," I said smiling. "Yup!," said my mom laughing. 

~ Few Hours Later ~

    I rushed out the door and headed to my car. "Calm down Valt!," my mom yelped. "No time to calm down mom!," I said hardly sitting still. "Hahaha, your love for Shu is VERY strong!," my mom said laughing. "Yea it is!," I said smiling. When we reached the hospital I rushed inside and saw Shu just sitting on a chair. "Shu?," I asked smiling. "Valty?," Shu asked looking up. I rushed into his arms and felt myself about to cry. "I'm Glad you're okay!," I said smiling. "At least you're  okay," Shu said smiling. I blushed a light pink color. Shu touched my nose with his. "I sat next to Shu and felt like we were in the center of the world. "I remembered you're going to the Snake Pit today," I said smiling. "Yea I am, but ill miss you Valty!," Shu said kissing me on the lips. His soft, delicate, breath taking, kiss took me to a place called Heaven. "Shu, how long will you be in the Snake Pit?," I asked holding his hands. "Only for two weeks Valty," Shu said kissing my forehead. " But that means, who am I Gonna hug at night?," I asked whimpering. "Valty, don't worry!," Shu said hugging me tight. "Okay, promise you won't hurt yourself again?," I asked. "Ye, I promise," Shu said laughing. "I changed my flight arrangements," Shu said. "Why?," I asked. "Because, I want to spend at least one night with you Valty," Shu said kissing my nose. "You're the best!," I cried out. "Thank you Valty!," Shu said hugging me tight. 

Shu's Pov.

    I'm glad I just figured out that a plane will pick me up tomorrow. I at least wanted to sleep next to Valt for one night. I hugged Valt tightly, trying to make every moment count. "Oh Valty, what now?," I asked. Valt just laid his head on my shoulder. " All I want to do now is just be with you," Valt said closing his eyes. I blushed and kissed Valt on the head. I still had to go to gym, for physical therapy. I had to do sit ups, curl ups, push ups, and more. "Valty, sorry to cut this short," I said starring into his brown eyes. "Why?," Valt asked. "I have physical Therapy," I said giving Valt the last kiss. "Why can't I come?," Valt asked pouting. "You can come," I said chuckling. "YAY!," Valt said running beside me. "Oh yea, I have a surprise for you Valty," I said smirking and laughing. "What?!," he asked smiling. I took out a leash and clipped it on Valt. "AHHHHH," Valt yelled. I covered his mouth and laughed. "So, you won't get lost," I said looking up, whistling. "You love me too much," Valt said laughing. He rushed by my side and held on to my vest. When we entered the Gym it was so quiet. "Is this how you get your abs?," Valt choked out. "UH... yea?," I said laughing. "Oh, I want some of them!," Valt said running to one of the work out areas. "Hehehe," I laughed. "Valty, remember you came to see me do my therapy?," I continued. Valt made a straight, blank, face. "Right!," Valt said laughing nervously. "You're so cute," I said holding his hand. After my therapy me and Valt went to my apartment room. "I'm tired Shu!," Valt complained. "Then sleep," I said reading my book. Valt groaned and rolled next to me. "I need a goodnight kiss first!," Valt said frowning. "Fine," I said kissing his cheeks. "Thank you Shu," Valt said closing his eyes. "Goodnight Valty," I said hugging him. "I'll miss you," Valt said under his breath. I nodded and laid next to him. I pulled him closer to me that our nose touched. Valt smiled, so did I. We fell asleep hugging each other. 

*hehe im just gonna put random pics now XD

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*hehe im just gonna put random pics now XD

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