Chapter 45// Twitter + Instagram live

Start from the beginning

"We arrived to the party, I started drinking, a lot. Too much. I was completely wasted, something I regret."

"I know this may come as blunt but I'm being completely honest with you guys cause that's what you deserve."

"Elena had left because she needed to work on a project the day after but Taylor stayed with me. He always looked after me because I made some pretty stupid decisions as a teen. At one point we left, more like he dragged me out of there before I had really too much to drink. We walked home and for some reason my drunk self decided to cross the street."

She starts crying and tries to wipe the tears away.

"Shit, shit, shit, I'm crying now, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry ❤"

wittysarah : "take your time T 😘"

"We love you Thera! 😍"

"I-, I didn't see the car coming but Taylor did. He saw it coming, decided to save me and suffered the consequences of that decision. Everything after that was a blur, the screaming, the ambulance, the hospital, the-." 

"I was in shock, not to forget completely intoxicated. I woke up the next morning with a broken arm and a couple scratches. Taylor didn't wake up. He was hit too hard by the car and had fallen into a coma."

"I have so many regrets, I wish I wouldn't have dragged Elena and Taylor to that party, that I hadn't gotten drunk, that I hadn't crossed the street, that Taylor wasn't as selfless and caring as he was. I remember seeing him in that hospital bed. I tried talking to him but he wouldn't wake up."

"Elena blamed everything on me along with her parents. I also blamed myself. It was my fault. So I spent my time writing songs to cope."

"Six months later, Taylor's heart stopped beating. I did go to the funeral but I made sure nobody saw me. I couldn't face Elena and her family, I had hurt them too much."

"Oh my god, I'm crying I can't believe what you went through 😭❤"

"I'm so sorry Thera ❤"

samgton : "We're with you sis 😘"

"After the funeral, I tried contacting Elena but she didn't answer and blocked me. She thought I didn't go to her brother's funeral."

"That night, I didn't only lose Taylor. I also lost Elena. I lost my two best friends, the two people who knew me inside and out. Music has been my refuge, it's what helped me get back up, as cliché as that sounds. So no, I'm not a cold hearted bitch because this has been eating me alive ever since."

"I feel so guilty. The thought of Taylor crosses my mind almost every day. He was only 19, he was one of the most selfless, caring people in my life. He was destined for greatness, I knew that. He still had his whole life in front of him and I took that from him. It's not fair but I guess life isn't either."

"So I'm trying to move on but it's hard."

Thera pauses, tears streaming down her face and looks directly in the camera.

"Finally, Elena, if you're watching this, which is improbable, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for all that I've put you through, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you and I'm sorry I took away your brother. I hope you're doing as good as you can."

"Thera we love you, I can't imagine what you must of gone through 😣"

"Thank you Thera for opening to us even if you didn't need to ❤"

"We're always gonna be there for you 💞💞"

"RIP Taylor ❤"

"RIP Taylor ❤"

"RIP Taylor ❤"

"Thera you're so strong, we love you so much 💕💕"

"We're proud of you Thera 😘"

"RIP Taylor ❤"

"So here you have it, the whole story. thank you for your support, it means a lot. I love you guys, you are family to me."
"But I need to go to sleep, emotions are quite tiring. Lots of love"

Thera waves to the camera, a sad smile on her face

"Bye Thera, love you!! 💜"

"Can't wait for your European tour 👏🏻👏🏻 "

"Sleep well Thera 😘"

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A/N :

(Extra update cause I'm FINALLY done with my exams yaaaasssss)

I started tearing up while writing this, I'm too emotional I swear
Also I experimented with the Instagram live, tell me what you guys think!!

Song of the chapter :
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Cause it's the only thing I really memorized by heart during these exams (oops)

Charlotte xx

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