"He's come for us." Euphemia breathed in shock.

It wasn't a question, she had feared this day would come.

"Aye m'lady." Hagrid responded.

Euphemia needed nothing more said, and her maternal instinct to protect her sons quenched her fear.

"Boys," She said in a serious voice neither had ever heard her use before, one that brooked no argument, "We need to leave now. Grab nothing, hold onto one another and stay silent. Do exactly as Hagrid and I bid you. Talk to no one else, trust no one else. Do you understand me?"

Both nodded and held onto their twin, already terrified of whatever was happening, though neither understood what was going on.

They exited the living room and swiftly descended a flight of stairs to a corridor on the ground floor.

They were headed for a tapestry at the end of the hallway which had a door hidden behind it. The door would take them to a hidden dock below the Manor.

They were nearing the tapestry when they heard the voice of Fleamont shouting something in the distance.

Euphemia turned to Hagrid with a grave look on her face.
"Hagrid, if I go with you, he will only follow. Take the boys. Bring them to the dock. Then take them to Minerva. Watch them and look after them" she told him.

Hagrid nodded solemnly, "I will do M'lady. I'll protect them with me life."

Then she turned to her sons, tears glistening behind her perfect blue eyes, eyes neither had inherited. She reached around her neck and pulled off two identical chains.

They were a simple leather cords with a small gold locket attached to them, about the size of a large coin. The pendant was oval in shape and both had a ship engraved in the centre. There were intricate markings along the edges of both pendants with complicated designs, letters and numbers.

Gently slipping one over the head of each boy, she spoke quietly and urgently. "Listen to me very carefully. These pendants are very important. Don't tell anyone you have them. You must keep them safe and secret, no matter what. Hagrid will explain everything to you someday when you are older."

She kissed each boy softly on the forehead, "I love you both so so much." She told them. "You look after one another. Be brave and strong."

"Don't go mamma." Sirius whispered. "Please mamma" James begged.

She smiled softly at her sons before nodding to Hagrid who had tears in his own eyes.

Hagrid gently pushed James and Sirius behind the tapestry as Fleamont rounded the corner at a sprint. He paused when he saw Euphemia standing in the hallway.

"Mia" He said to her, "Why are you here? You should have left with the boys."

James and Sirius watched from a gap in the tapestry, unable to move as Hagrid attempted to unlock the heavy door leading to the docks.

"No," their mother replied softly, "He is not after them at this time, he has no interest in our sons yet, it's us he's after. They are safer with Hagrid. He would only follow me."

The boys watched as their father took their mother's hand. "We must leave immediately." He told her, beginning to lead her back the way they had come, "He will be here any second."

Both brothers wanted to call out to their parents, but their instincts told them to stay silent.

Hagrid was still struggling with the stiff door that had not been opened in many years. He was about to begin banging against it, when a cold voice made him freeze.

A Tale of Two BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now