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     "So, tell me about yourself. Who were your parents?" Gaster asked.

How do you respond?

❤️*Tell the truth

     *Tell the truth, snarkily.

*Be sarcastic


     *Say you are the child of Jerry, the phone monster

     You decide to tell the truth.

"My mom was a human, dad a spidermonkey-type monster," you said. "They were from China, but had to flee to America when people found out."

"Glad to de you're finally being cooperative, I thought I was going to have to use force to get the an answer from you," he said. He stuck you with another needle, injecting something else into your system.

By the time he let you go, it was already 8:00 PM, an hour from Lights Out. You stumbled into your shared room with about twenty new needle marks on you and flopped onto your bed, letting out a sigh of relief at finally getting to relax. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted your roommate, Tale Undyne, staring at you. You raised an eyebrow in question of what she wanted.

"You... your scientist is Gaster??" She asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah. I heard it was odd because he never usually has 'test subjects', but why are you so surprised?" You said nonchalantly.

"I mean yeah, there's that, but he's also closer to the Warden than anyone in this place!"

"The Warden?" You sat up. "Who's the Warden?"

"Who's the- HE'S THE WARDEN, NUMBNUTS! OF THE PRISON! No one's seen him before or know who he is, except for Z's."

"Oh. Wait, how do you know the Z's see him?"

"They tell them they're taking them to see the Warden before they drag them off obviously, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! The point is, him taking a prisoner that can speak as a 'patient' is unprecedented and many other inmates or even guards might try to use you in some way related to the Warden. I'm just trying to warn you to be careful," she said, laying down on her bed.

"Why?" You asked. "Why are you trying to help me"

"Well, because we're roommates, obviously. And we're going to be roomies the entire time you're here, unless you go W or manage to get out. Might as well stick with each other."

"Well, ok then. I guess it makes sense not to make enemies with your roommate. Well, good night," you said, rolling over to face the wall as it turned 9:00, lights out.

     It was 9:35. Your roommate was asleep, as were most of the monsters in your cell block, but you were not. You quietly got up and walked below the air duct. You didn't need to go far, just into a tight space. You crouched into a crawling position, focused all your energy, and teleported about eight feet into the air.

     You landed neatly in the duct, thinking about how you were lucky you were small. Careful not to make a sound, you started  crawling around, exploring. The air duct system was massive, and not all parts were connected to the rest, but you could still teleport a bit to get to those sections.

     Soon enough you came across a crossroads: left, right, forwards, or up. You could hear whirring sounds coming from your left, heavy breathing from your right, crying sounds from up ahead and footsteps from up above.

     Where do you go?



     *Up Ahead

     *Up Above

❤️*Look at the strange glow coming from behind you

     Hello humans! Guess who's feeling like shïte because they puked six times last night? ME! YAY! AhahahahaHAHAHAHAHA! 😭

     ANYWAYS, REMEMBER, the universe is an illusion reality is a lie buy gold BYE PERSONS!
~Time Shadow (Sick Version)

Lockdown (Prison!Sans/Papyrus/Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now