1. Escape!!

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You continued on the run through this strange place. You had been running, in the back alleys out of sight, for a while. Your lungs burned and your legs, tired. You wanted to stop, but if you did you would have been forced back to that place. You didn't want to go back! Well of course you didn't. You were a slave girl to them. A bug, easily crushed. You shouldn't have been able to get this far in this state. But your fear drove you on. Something caught your eye. You didn't hear the footsteps so you figured a small break to regain a little strength wouldnt hurt. It was an item in the middle of the alley that had caught your eye. You went closer..
It was a necklace. Someone must have lost it.. It looked like it waswas made of pure gold. But a single piece was missing. It was on the sidewalk. You picked up the piece and inserted it. Nothing happened, but the footsteps came back. You whipped around, "Come on! They must have gone this way!" Said one of your persuers. You had no time. You turned and ran the way you were originally going, the necklace in your hands. Your plain white, rugged outfit whipped against your legs as you ran. You were aching to stop running but you couldn't! You had to keep on!
After a while of running, you were sure you lost them. You hid.
"Let them run. They can't run away forever.. " said a captor. You were afraid they wouldn't give up so you listened. "What do we tell the boss..??" Said another voice. "Well tell him they were hit by a car on account of their ridiculous amount of stupidity. That they killed theirself." Said the first voice. The footsteps faded away.
You rested your back against the cold bricks of the wall behind you, sitting on the concrete. You readjusted your outfit, which looked more like a cut up dirty pillow case with a cable around it. You couldn't help but let the tears well in your eyes. After all this time imprisoned and running from these horrible people, you get the first taste of freedom since your parents lost you. You savor its sweetness. Weakness began to creep through you.
You looked down at the necklace, which you set down so you could tend yourself. You wondered who's it was.. You reached down to pick it up..
The second you touched it, a wave of psychic pain hit your head, like it attacked you! It screamed a name. Yugi. It was crying out for this random person and you were confused. You resisted the urge to scream. The psychic wave burnt in your mind, a flower blooming in your mind with white hot dagger petals. Despite this, you took it in your hand, the wave getting stronger! The screams, louder! Your vision was going white! You couldn't see! Still, you did not scream. Your vision had completely blanked out, when suddenly..
A shadow appeared before your eyes, an eye like the ones your captors wore shone on its forehead. It was pissed and.. Sad? Worried?... "You are not yugi! Take me back too him NOW! "He said. So it is a man.. He continued, "Return me too him immediately!! Your lucky I don't destroy your mind right now!!" His voice was like a gods. It was beautiful and commanding. You were afraid.. He spoke to you as if you were an enemy. Like he thought you were someone else. You continued to weaken. You mustered up some courage, and spoke.
"W-who is yugi??" You said softly. The shadow almost looked confused. He was obviously expecting you to be someone that needed to get their butt beat. He said nothing, but the aching in your head lossened. "Yugi is a boy that is important to me. Who are you and who do you work for?" He said. He didn't yell, but he was still very stern and pissed off. "I-i am nobody important.. a slave girl, and I work for no one! I freed myself from them and found your necklace on the street.." You replied. "That 'necklace' you hold in your hand belongs to yugi! He was taken and I was unable to help him when the puzzle piece came out. He needs me! I need him! You must take me to him!" Commanded this shadow. But at that moment you collapsed to your knees.
You felt him falter, almost in worry. He stepped closer to you. You felt weak.. "What is wrong??" Asked the shadow. "I.. Told you before.. I'm a slave girl.. I was not.. treated well by my masters.. I have been running for hours.. And I'm not in the best health.. " you said, weakening further by the second. You heard the footsteps again! Did they hear you?? You became frightened. You tried to stand but collapsed. You whimpered. "Gh... Put the puzzle around your neck. I'll help you get away." Said the shadow too you. You looked at the necklace and then at the shadows around the corner. You the chain around your neck and tucked it into your.. Uh.. Gown?? You then felt the shadow's embrace envelope you. He was so much more powerful than you.. You felt himsurge through you. You and him stood together and ran. Faster than before.
You and him ran all the way to the city. The outskirts were creepy.. But the city was bustling with people. You didn't want to be seen so you stayed in the alleys. "Why do you hesitate?" Asked the shadow. "I cannot go out therer. I must hide in the shadows. They might have people out there that will try to capture me again.. If we are to find your 'yugi', we should be cautious." You said. You still felt weak, but with the shadow supporting you, you had enough strength to continue. "Why are they after you..? Aren't you a slave girl?" Said the shadow as you walked along an alley. "I am unsure. I never got a straight answer. They tell me I have seen too much, or have valuable information.. But its always something new.." You reply. "Strange.. Those chains. They are odd. Why are they there?" He asked.
After a million and one questions later you had probably both explained your stories. This shadow was called yami.. Speak of the devil his voice interrupted your thoughts. "Of all questions, I have left out but one. What is your name?" He asks.
"Oh. I am (Y/N)." You say. How silly that he didn't ask sooner. "(Y/N)..... (Y/N).. What a lovely name." He says. The compliment made your cheeks tint with a light shade of pink. You thanked him.
You ran out of alley, so you were forced to the sidewalk. People looked at you funny. You didn't like it. You remained silent. You bumped into a young boy. He had poofy black hair. "Mokuba..?" Said the yami. I don't think anyone can hear yami.. The boy looked at you. He obviously hadn't seen you coming, "S-sorry! I was spaced out!" Said mokuba. "Its alright! I'm just looking for someone!" You say. You feel the energy draining from you. Mokuba's eye spark with curiosity, "who are you looking for?" Asked the young boy. "..Do you think you can take me to a boy called yugi?" You asked.
The boy had taken you almost all the way there when someone snatched his hand. "Mokuba! Why would you run off like that!? You know hoe dangerous this city is!" Said a tall man with brown hair. "Seto kaiba.." said yami with a tone of disgust. He obviously knew them but did not like seto.. "But Setooo!" Mokuba whined. "No buts, mokuba!.. " seto directed his gaze at you. You froze. "Who is that..?" Seto said with disgust. "I was helping her, big brother! They wanted to find yugi.." Said mokuba. Seto looked disgusted. "You'll have to find help elsewhere, runt. Mokuba, come on." Kaiba said walking away with mokuba. Mokuba waved goodbye.
"What do we do yami? I'm getting weaker.. You can't keep me going forever.. " you say. You feel as if something is stealing your life force from you.. "I know where we are now. We aren't far. Let me take over. Just hang in there and I'll take care of you for bringing me back to him." Said yami. "Thank you.. " you said before you felt him fully embrace you. You squeaked a little. You felt him surge through you once more. He took off running.
Yami POV
I could feel (y/n) 's spirit getting weaker. They won't die but if she continues at this rate they could be in danger. Dispite only knowing this person for such a short time I already feel an obligation to keep them safe from harm. We had to get there in time.. Round this turn. Yes this is right. Now there. "Hang in there, (y/n). Try and stay with me best you can." I told them reassuringly. They acknowledged me. I kept running. We were almost there when they felt a sharp pain and cried out. They fell onto the sidewalk. Their spirit was weak but intact. Someone must be weakening her.. I try and brake whatever connections they are bound with. I found one. I continued to go against it untill the connection shattered. That should have stopped the weakening.. I got ready to bring them into the game shop when yugi's grandfather stepped outside holding a broom like a wepon. Looks like I won't need to bring them inside.
"Who's out here??" Demanded the old man. Then his eyes fell on to (y/n). Collapsed and unconscious on the sidewalk. "Oh my!" Said the old man. He put the broom inside and came toward you. 

(Yami/Atem X Reader) I Promise. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora