I started swirling patterns on my jean clad thigh. Xavier's eyes followed every swirl I made. It tickled slightly but I liked the way it distracted me from the large make beside me.

"Stop doing that." He demanded with a croaked voice. He coughed. I looked to him.

"Why?" I questioned. I didn't know what I was doing wrong. It wasn't effecting him in anyway.

"Because I said so." Was his reply. I sighed and soon we were consumed with another round of silence. I stopped twirling my fingers.

Xavier was like a mystery. You didn't know who he was or why he was here yet you also couldn't seem to want to take your eyes off of him. I had started to become intrigued by him.

"Xavier?" I got his attention. He took the plug out of his ear again.


"Where are you from?" I asked curiously as I looked to him, my legs crossed infront of me.

"Does it matter?" He grunted.

"I want to know." And I did want to know. He was so reserved and he looked a little more than just American.

"California, but I'm part Spanish." Was his reply as his eyes closed. I sat further next to him and leaned against the tree too. He cracked open his eyes to watch my body next to him, but surprisingly, he didn't make a comment.

"That's awesome." I replied. "What side is Spanish?"

"What?" He asked confusingly seeming wuite tense and agitated now.

"Your father or your mother?" I asked. His face suddenly became guarded and I felt his body tense even more against mine. His body was like rock.

"Look, can we drop it?" Was his gruff reply. I didn't want to push further so I let it be, he was obviously in some kind of distress about the whole topic. I knew what it was like to have troubles back at home, it was hard coming forward about it especially to someone you didn't know. I didn't want to bring out the worst parts of him.

My body was touching Xavier's and I could feel the warmth from his body. He looked so good in that white t shirt I was just itching to touch him.

His presence made me a mess.

"How's your knuckle?" I looked down to see the bandage gone but the bruises still remained.

"It's fine." He replied. He took his knuckle in his other hand and left it there, shielding it away from me. He probably thought I was going to wrap it up in another bandage.

"Can I look at it?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Why not?" I pouted but my eyes still remained closed. I could feel his eyes burning holes beside me. I didn't move, I didn't want to.

"Because you'll start nursing it again."

"I'm a good nurse," I stated. He hummed but he didn't bother to reply. "When you leave this place where would you like to go?" I asked. I was definitely now trying to make conversation, and I was questioning anything that came to mind. Desperate measures, you know?

"I don't know and I don't really care." Was his statement. I opened my eyes to look at him, to find he was already looking at me.

"I guess you just want to graduate and get out of this shit hole."

"The World's a shit hole." He replied back almost venomously. He had such a pessimistic view of the world.

"Oh well-" I began but I was cut off.

"Stop talking." Xavier demanded. My lips fell shut as I looked to him. "Better."


"Shh." He tried to shut me up. He laid a finger to his lips.

"Stop it, Xav-" his finger now came to rest on my lips.

"I said stop talking." He let out as his breath fanned across my face and his finger left my lips.

I didn't bother to answer again. I was too much of a mess. God, Emily, it was only a little touch on the lips. But his hands were so soft when I thought they would have been rough. His breath smelt like mint and coffee mixed together. I didn't peg him as a coffee drinker.

Xavier sighed and started to relax again as soon as I had kept my mouth shut. I looked down to the grass, not knowing what to do or say. I was a talker, I had to make conversation, but Xavier bathed in the quietness. He loved the relaxing, non communal side of life, I didn't know why. Maybe talking put him on edge, maybe having to reply might somehow land him in more shit than necessary. Maybe he was scared incase he crashed down his own wall. I didn't know and it didn't really matter.

"It's so much easier when you're quiet." Xavier grumbled. "You could talk your life away."

"I don't like silence."

"Relax in it. It's better than having to tell your life story to people you don't know." He pointed out accusingly.

"I want to get to know you." I blurted out. I didn't know why I had said what I did. Xavier probably thought I was so weird. I felt him take in a breath.

"Darling, you're playing a dangerous game." He said. I didn't have time to reply as just a few seconds after, the bell rang. Xavier got up from his spot and was about to walk off before hesitating and holding out a hand. I laid my hand in his and he pulled me up from the floor.

Just as soon as he pulled me up, he pulled his arm away and began to walk off without me. I followed him in to the building like a lost puppy.

We had to go different ways so hesitantly I left his side. I wanted to know what he meant.

A dangerous game? I wasn't intending to play any type of game let alone a dangerous one.


Chapter what, like, 5?

Want to see Xavier's POV next?

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