Chapter 1: Pratice makes Perfect

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No ones pov- BOOOM! "GON KILLUA GET DOWN!" Said kite in a frighten voce. Moment later a monster came crashing down a silted kites arm off. "RUN ILL TAKE IT ITS NO MATCH FOR YOU!"

Gon's pov-
I was at the gym with Killua training to get stronger because kite was taken away from us while fighting some Chimera ants. I was about to attack that very ant that attacked kite. Killua had noticed this enemy was too strong for both of us to take on. So Killua knocked me out and now we are here stuck training.

I was thinking about who we where going to get back because to get back we had to face two experienced pro hunters ( hunters- strong people that know how to use the power of Nen) we where pro hunters too, me and Killua but not experienced. Suddenly out of no where I here Killua say " hey you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah! I'm perfectly fine!" I replied. " ok just asking because you keep spacing out."

Killua's pov-
Ohhhhh gon looks soo cute like that! I thought. He keeps spacing off so innocently I can take anymore!
No! I must control myself! If I kiss him now I'll embarrass myself in front of all these grown men.

The men here where muscular but seemed intimidated by Gon and I because when we walked in they where all like "GUYS LOOK AT THESE KIDS THERE SO CUTE!!" Trying to humiliate us. The strongest man there was lifting about 145 ponds of weight. Then the guy insulted us for about to lift some weights he even said " need some help?" in a tone that bugged me especially because gon was here. This all paid off in the end because we lifted about... 810 pounds with no sweat and all the men had the most funny expressions on there faced.

It was getting late so we left the gym to do a little Nen training to before it got too late and we needed to go to sleep. On our way home I stopped Gon and asked " What are your true feelings about me?" He blushed and said " W-well where super good friends." "I see" I responded and kissed him on the lips making both our faces light up more red than a tomato.

Gon's pov-
The rest of the way we walked home silently without a word said or a noise made as we walked through the nights sparkling stars. Today has been a great day. Finally I was kissed by Killua. Wait? What do I mean finally? It's not like I wanted to kiss him. Ohhhh but those warm lips. WAIT WHAT DID I JUST THINK!?

We finally go to our home, it wasn't too big or too small. It was a normal house Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, a dinning room, and a back yard. As I entered the house with Killua through the wooden doo r Biskey came up to us yelling " Idiots your late!" With angry anime animations on her face then she kicked us! Biskey was our Nen teacher. Biskey tough us go to make our Nen super strong!

Killua's pov-
Gon and I where up training till midnight when we actually needed to go to bed. Biskey was already sleeping. Before Go could get in bed I pinned him to the wall and kissed him passionately. I forced his mouth open he didn't seem to refuse the ofer so I let my tounge into his mouth. I thought it was a dream his sweet tasting mouth.

We French kissed with our tounges twirling around each others. Then he gave me a deep kiss. Finally we took a breath of fresh air.

Gon's pov-
more More MORE!! I thought as we took a deep breath. Killua slid his hand up my shirt and rubbed my nipples "Ahhh!" I moaned and we started kissing more. I lifted my knees to touch his dick lightly an it was erect. Ok that's good it means where the same I thought.

Then suddenly, Biskey walked in the room woken up by my moan. Right there us kissing seen by a women.
"OHHHHH" she screamed in a fan girls tone. " this is wonderful!! There's yaoi to take pictures of now!!!"

___________________________ end of chapter 1

The Crying SmileTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon