Chapter 4: sharing fun

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Killua's pov-

I woke up with Gon asleep next to me. He was clinging to me tightly and he looked to cute. Oh how so cute and innocent Gon looked while he was asleep. I pecked his fore head and he whispered "Killua." In his sleep witch automatically made me lightly blush. Moments later he said " not that hard." And my face turned more red than a tomato. Wow I did bent know Gon would have a dream about that! Of corse I did but that's only natural.

I went to go make some breakfast for Gon and Biskey because that old hag won't cook her self. I opened the book I have been reading and wondered what I would cook today. As I flipped each page I wondered there all good foods how will I pick!? Soon after a while I found a recipe for fruit guava cupcakes. They would be 100% organic and health! I just hope they tasted good.

I put cut up guava on the blender and made the a liquid but not too liquidly.

I pored it into a bowl and froze it. Wipe I froze it I created the actual cake bater. Milk, eggs, sugar, flour, and some mango flavored extract. I mixed that together and put it in the oven. After the guava was frozen I cut it and put some stuff that made it like a jello like substance. I stuck the guava into the cake and boom it's done.

Biskeys pov-

Let's have a little more fun with this video. I'll just send it to a couple of my gay friends and see what they think! I then quickly sent the video out before Killua finished brakfast.

Gon's pov-

I had woks up and walked into the kitchen. I knew Killua was in there because of the smell. "Watcha cookin?" I asked "A healthy cake" yeah right I said theres probably chocolate icing on half the cake. " with chocolate icing on half the cake." Killua added. "I knew it! You little cat!" I was walking to him whin I tripped into him and our lips collided. We released and Killua said "wow someone's fusty today." "W-what!? N-no I'm not" and I tried to walk away but Killua grabbed my arms and kisses me.

I slightly opened my mouth giving promotion for his tongue to enter. As our youngster fought for dominance I moaned. Killua won. He slipped his hands up my shirt rubbing my nipples. I moaned even louder. He then started liking my nipples twirling his tongue around them and bitting them. "Ahh K-Killua!" I moaned. When I grasped both our penises casing Killua to flinch because he didn't expect it. I touched both our dicks together and rubbing them. Killua's dick was really big. I then thought of my dream and moaned louder. "K-Killua I'm about to cum!"

I the squired all my liquids out flinging far to Killua's face. He then licked the cum." P-Pervert!!" I said" Now am I the pervert? Your the one who came on my face." He replied."MEANIE!" Biskey then walked in fast yelling "WHAT ARE WE HAVING GOR THIS BREAKFAST!" Then noticing the cum on Killua's face. She squealed and walked out. Before walking out she said "You boys enjoy your selfs!"

We then broke out of the mood and date the breakfast. And trained our Nen some. Biskey walked in Ok time to go!" Go where"? Killua and I replied. "To fight the pro hunters. Duh" Biskey said.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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