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the bohemian grove is known to be a place in California where the most influential/richest men in the world are known to meet up every JULY. They call themselves the Bohemian club and members have included former US presidents, famous musicians and big business leaders. The thing that is fishy about the club is that their is very restricted entry and little is known about the happening inside the club as the members are very conservative about what goes on behind the scene. with the top influential men of the globe as members it's not hard for people to assume some Illuminati shit is going down there and they're not wrong (we'll get to it later)


as i mentioned the club is super restricted and if any men wishes to join the bohemian club they must either be invited by not just one but several member of the club or add your name to a long list of men who have already been waiting to join the party since decades. if you do end up getting reccomended and/or live for 100 years and finally get accepted into the club prepare to go into a finacial debt as there's a $25,000 initiation fee waiting for you plus hefty yearly dues.


1. CREMATION OF CARE RITUAL, one of the rituals preformed by the members of the bohemian club is called 'the cremation of care'. Alex Jones, a famous show host, movie director and conspiracy theorrist was able to record footage from the ritual. the footage shows the men in costumes, cremating a coffin named 'care' in front of a 40-foot owl statue. t doesn't help that the owl was the first symbol of the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria. It is called the Owl of Minerva.

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2. SACRIFICING HUMANS: relating back to the last point in the cremation care ritual, while watching the footage people have claimed to have heard screams which led to theorist believing that they could be making human sacrifices. (the video linked at the beginning of this chapter is the full documentary on the bohemian grove made by Alex Jones. the footage is in there at 1:23:16). historians have found connections between the owl and an ancient god named Moloch and the rituals performed. both involve large animal statues and sacrifice of some kind. in ancient time children were sacrificed to moloch to gain power and favour from the god. and look who's performing these sacrifices? the most powerful men in the world. so instead of them sacrificing to monoch people believe they're sacrificing to the illuminati. In Philip Weiss's article he wrote in 1989 when he infiltrated the grove , there's a line which states 'Then everyone hushed as a column of hooded figures carrying torches emerged solemnly from the woods 100 yards away, bearing a corpse down to the water.'  Also to quote  Mark Evans, "John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-Up, includes Paul Bonacci's testimony about a snuff film of a child being murdered on July 26, 1984 in California in 'an area that had big trees.' 


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3. WORLD ALTERING DECISIONS: the most influential people all at one place at one time. it sound very likely. although there is a motto 'weaving spiders come not here' meaning no business deals allowed there has been many speculation to if that rule is strictly followed. the grove is well known for the manhattan project (research and development during world war II which produced the first nuclear weapons) which was planned there and eventually resulted in the creation of the first atomic bomb. the people included in that were many military officers, presidents of harvard, yale and princeton, ernest lawrence and many more. many people also believe that the planning of the new world order takes place there. Philip Weiss also stated in his 1989 article, 'There are few rules, the most famous one being "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" -- in other words, don't do business in the Grove. The rule is widely ignored.'   A girl claims to have worked there and she writes, "Why is the BG so feared? Because policy IS made there. That is where Ronald Reagan and Nixon made the deal that Nixon would run for prez in '72 and Reagan would run in '80, which is what happened ."


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4. PROSTITUTION RINGS: a reddit user who's claimed to work there said, "There was also an older (40's?) server woman there who seemed to be pretty 'friendly' with some of the members."  In 2004, a gay porn star by the name of Chad Savage was hired as a valet. he said that he made the beds and attended to guests every need. Conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, claimed that at his visit to the grove he was propositioned by men and witnessed homosexual imagery on display.

5. THE BOHEMIAN CLUB ON THE DOLLAR BILL, If you look close enough you'll see an owl peeping out over the edge of a semi-circle. i quote ranker, 'If the Bohemian Club exerts enough power to have its symbol appear on currency, it's no wonder that symbol is an owl; owls can turn their heads more than 180 degrees, allowing them to see in virtually all directions.'  or it could be the illuminati? who knows?

'  or it could be the illuminati? who knows?

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6. A SEXIST ENVIRONMENT, One reason why girls may not be allow is because all they do is make fun of women. it has been reported that they put on strange, sexist plays and make penis jokes all the time. Philip Weiss writing for spy magazine in 1989 stated that new plays are made every year by the member and also said "...then round a bend to see a man with a beer in one hand and his penis in the other, urinating into the bushes. This is the most gloried-in ritual of the encampment, the freedom of powerful men to pee wherever they like, a right the club has invoked when trying to fight government anti-sex discrimination efforts..." He also says that they put on sexist plays and make sexist jokes and they've spent $75,000 on one of the plays before.

that's all i have on it. if you find anything else feel free to share.

till next time.

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