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Have you ever had one of those moments, where you get so engrossed with a thought that everything in the world around you just kind of stops? Well, I am having one of those moments right now.

I graduated from high school four days ago. Just four days. But in that amount of time, I've only thought of one thing. This summer. The Summer Before I start college. I have this overwhelming idea that everything is riding on this summer. And that's why I am making this list. It sounds cliche and completely overdone to be making a list of things I want to do. But being a very organized mind, I know that the only way to make this summer my own, is to make a list.

So here I am. Sitting at my desk in my room writing away. The sound of my ballpoint pen furiously scratching away at my notepad fills my bedroom. My best friend, Jess, is sprawled out across my bed. Her wild, blonde mane is resting like a crown above her head. She's throwing pillows and books at me to try to get my attention. But like I said, I'm engrossed.

"Athena, come on. It's officially summer! We should be outside stalking hot guys."

I finally spun around in my chair, just in time to get hit in the face with a book.

"Ow! What the hell, Jess?" I clutched my forehead in pain, while my friend was trying not to laugh.

"I'm sorry. I was," She laughs out, " I was trying to get your attention."

"Well you got my attention alright," I yelled at her, "Now I have a bump on my forehead the size of Texas."

I turn my attention back to the piece of paper resting on my desk. Smiling, I grab it and turn back to Jess. "I've finally done it. I have conducted the master plan to getting everything I want!"

She looks at me like I've grown a second head, "You're really starting to freak me out. You sound like Voldemort."

"Unlike Voldemort, I am actually going to succeed in my mission." I say back to her. "I have conducted a master list of things I have never done, and this summer I'm going to do them."

Her eyes went big, "Ooh, I like it. You need to break out of that shell of yours." She said enthusiastically. "Especially before you move off to college! Now let me see this list."

I passed the list over to her, silently hoping for her approval. You see, Jess has experienced a lot more than me. She is the adventurous and outgoing one of our duo. Then there's me, who has no experience with boys and gets nervous in everyday social interactions.

 Then there's me, who has no experience with boys and gets nervous in everyday social interactions

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"So this is what you've been working on?" Jess questioned me.

"Umm, yes?" I was a little nervous. What if this whole idea was completely stupid of me? Like who actually has to plan out a summer in order to be adventurous?

She grabbed me by shoulders, shaking me excitedly, "I love it! This is exactly what you need!"

"Wait you do? You don't think it's stupid?"

Jess shoved the list in my face, "Are you kidding? It's genius! I mean jumping off a waterfall? You would never do that in a million years, which is exactly why you have to!"

Having her encouragement boosted my confidence, making me even more sure of my decision. This summer, everything's going to change. I can feel it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. It's kind of setting up the rest of Athena's journey. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and add this story to your library and reading lists. Love you guys, thanks for giving my book a chance!


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