🎶Parents Just Wanna Be Alo-one🎶

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Héctor was desperately trying to flirt with Imelda, at least make her blush a little.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"No, because I'm dead, and I could reassemble myself at will."

"I'm glad I stopped by the library to get my library card, because I'm checking you out."

"Oh! I'm so glad you're reading, Héctor! So, tell me, what is this book called "You" about?"

"Hey, are you a cliff? Because I think I'm falling for you."

"Oh no, Héctor! Don't fall off a cliff!"

Hector groaned after each unsuccessful attempt.

"Papá" He heard a voice behind him say.

He jumped and whipped his head around, only to find it was Coco.

Héctor sighed in relief.

"Yes, Coco?"

"Why don't you take Mamá out to dinner?" Coco asked.

Hector's eyes widened.

"No no no no no, mija, Imelda would kill me!"

"Your already dead." Coco pointed out. "And I'll pay for the dinner."

"No no no, let's settle for something less..... deadly...." Héctor said.

Coco sighed in defeat.


Coco thought for a moment.

"Oh! How about the park!"

A smile split across Hector's face.

"Great idea, mija!" Héctor said, jumping up and down. "Gracias, Coco!"

"You're welcome, Papá!"Coco called after him as he ran out of the room.

As soon as Héctor left, Coco smirked and pulled out her camera, adjusting it for the perfect picture.


Imelda and Héctor had only been at the park for 10 minutes, but Coco had been taking pictures the whole time.

However, she moved out of the shadows just enough for Héctor and Imelda to see her.

"COCO?!" The couple shouted, scaring everyone that heard them.

Coco emerged from behind the tree she had been hiding behind, laughing hysterically.

Imelda and Héctor angrily got up, and marched out of the park, leaving a cackling Coco behind.


Hey, guys! Suggested by: LEMON_CREATOR. Hope you enjoyed! ❤️❤️❤️

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