Chapter 2

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"Holy crap, you're Jughead Jones!" I squeal. I instantly regret it, and shut my mouth quickly.

"Sorry" I whisper, just audible enough for him to hear.

"Yeah, I'm Jughead Jones. Nothing special about that. Why'd you halve to create a scene?!" He asks angrily.

"Jughead, I'm sorry... it's just, you're kind of my idol, and I just, didn't know how to react. I'll go now, if you want." I say.

"No, it's fine. But I kind of have to leave. See you in school tomorrow." Jughead says, and scoops up his things.

"Bye" I mumble. I hate to admit it, but at that moment, I was completely in love.
"Y/n, get up for school. You can't be late for your first day!" Mom yells. I get up and notice that it's fifteen minutes until I need to get on the bus. I throw on a dark blue jumper and brush my hair. Then I run down the stairs and gulp down my breakfast. Miraculously, I did it all in thirteen minutes. I pack my bag and grab my phone.

The bus was right on time. I hop on and find the only seat that was sort of open. Next to me was a girl with a blond ponytail.

"My name's Betty. Nice to meet you!" She says.

"Hello! I'm y/n. I just moved here from Greendale!" I reply.

"That's cool! I hope we can be friends." Betty says before she gets out of her seat and out of the bus. I follow, knowing she went to Riverdale High.


The school was full of bustling people. I found out a boy named Archie was going to give me a tour this morning.

"Hi Archie." I said. He was a red head, and was wearing a yellow and blue jacket.

"Hey" he replied, "I'm going to give you-"

"My tour." I finished, " I know"

"Okay, great! Let's get started!" He said. He turned to me, smiled, and for the second time in two days, I felt like I was in love.

For the rest of the tour, I just gazed at Archie and pictured what life would be like if we were a couple. But then I remembered Jughead. He gave me the same warm feeling as this charming guy did. I can't choose one.

I have Science with Jughead and Betty, math with Archie, History with all of them, and the rest of my classes with Betty. Since I joined in the middle of the year, I get to choose wear I sit in every class. I sit by Jughead in Science, Archie in math, History by Jughead, and everything else by Betty.

During lunch I asked Betty if I could sit with her.

"Sure!" She replied, "if you're okay with sitting by Jughead and Archie."

"Yeah, we've... met." I say.

"That's great!" Betty says. I'm really liking Riverdale so far. We walk to a nice table outside. I see Archie sitting there, with Jughead too. I sat across from Jughead, and next to Betty. I really hope that they'll accept me into their group!

Tangled Between // Jughead and Archie x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin