Hello ._.

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Ok so I'm back after a long "so called" break, aka suffering of school, so now that its summer hopefully I get back to updating this "so called" book,

so ill just post a lot of fremmer/jicardo vids to make it up

Rehearsing for the kiss

I found this and I thought it was adorable, also with the people in the background I lonved it, its so cute, just see for yourselves.

{i'm trying to keep the captions short and simple for this page}

The full vid of (Ricardo Reacting to the kiss)

In the beginning when rico yelled " wow we are in loovve" I almost died.

*also ricos hair is..well...yeesh*

And at 6:16 when Ricardo screamed in agony, that made me laugh

And the little shimmy dance near the end

{trying to keep it short}

This little video that I thought was so cute for some reason but then again I think all jicardo/fremmer vids are cute, anyways...........ooo Brea is also in this one, so enjoy

Fun fact or not so much fun fact:  this was after they filmed their last episode to after the Kiss

This "Duet"

Ok so this scene was so cute, until  "you know who" came and interrupted this scene, but over all I really like how he planed to tell her that he liked her during the scene,

And summer looked adorable confused

And of course these Videos

These Videos Speech for themselves 😋😊☺️

Ok since school of rock is over ( And its taken me a while to process that) there is going to be no more fremmer vids sadly, but I will search (now that I have time) the WEb :}  for any new jicardo videos and I'm guessing they ( Jade and Rico ) might not hang out as much ( or not at all😟) as they used to when they worked together but hopefully their friend ship last and is strong enough to keep them together, Hopefully letting them bring years to come for jade and rico to bond, and maybe possibly become some thing more than just friends but at least they can still be friends and hangout and stuff,  and I hope we can get to see more of them together, hopefully they get casted in some other thing together I would love to see more of them. But until then lets just appreciate what they gave us.

OK that felt and turned really sappy, lets turn things around on the bright side we still have eachother the fanbase, the pics, vids, the fanfic, its still not dead so lets not panic, yet.

Ok so ill try to post more videos and picture if you guys would like me to post pics again I guess you might have seen them before but I don't know if I should continue to post pics or just stick with vids. also I lost count so I might have to start over 😋, anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day?... ok Goodbye🙂

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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