Chapter 49: Adopting

Start from the beginning

"Okay, let's do it!"

She kissed my head, and we both fell to sleep.

The next day

To my surprise, Sofie didn't wake up during the night, but I figured that would change.

I woke up at around 9:30 in the morning, and Shelby was still asleep underneath me.

I slowly got up from her grasp, and walked out of the room to go check on Sofie.

To my surprise, she was awake, her little eyes open and everything.

"Awww what a sweet baby," I said, looking at her from the doorway.

I then walked over to her, and picked her up from the crib.

I held her close to me, as I walked over to the big window in her room.

I opened the curtains and watched the outside world with her.

"Welcome to your new home, Sofie Jackson," I whispered to her, then changing the position she's in.

I was now holding her with her head on my arm, and holding her small body like you would a normal baby.

"This is where youre gonna grow up. I don't know what's gonna happen to you, but I promise that you will have the best childhood ever, my mission from this point on is to give you the childhood I never had. I love you princess," I whispered to her, kissing her small cheek.

"I'll help with that mission," Shelby said from the doorway, wearing her pink, silk robe.

"Good morning," I said to her, as she walked over and kissed my lips.

"Good morning, and good morning to you," she said, gently taking hold of Sofie's hand, and resting her head on my shoulder.

"So what's the plan for this morning?" Shelby asked, her hand still in Sofie's.

"Well, we should eat some breakfast, and then go down to the government building to adopt Sofie," I answered.

"You ready want to make it official! You really do?" Shelby asked happily.

"Of course! I love children, and now I finally get to be a father. I want this baby's name to be Sofie Jackson, not Sofie Aniston," I said proudly.

"That sounds great, I love you," She said

"I love you more," I said, kissing her cheek, as Sofie started to cry.

"Phew, think someone needs to be changed," I said, making a face.

"I'll do it," Shelby said

"No it's okay, you've been through a lot the past few weeks, let me take the first one," I said.

I set Sofie gently down on the changing table, and changed her into a fresh diaper.

At the government building.

"Yes hello, we would like to adopt this baby," I said like it was nothing.

"Okay, name, date of birth, sex, and age,"

"Umm let's see, Sofie Aniston, June 5th 1988, Female, and a little more than a week," Shelby recalled.

"Okay, I'm going to have you all sign these papers," the woman at the desk said, handing us a GIANT stack of papers.

"Jesus Christ that's a lot of papers," I said, setting down Sofie's in her baby carrier.

"Let's get to it," Shelby said, sitting down at a small table.

15 minutes later

"Alright, last paper," I said

"I, Michael Joseph Jackson pledge to take this child as my own, to care and to love, for as long as he/she shall live," I had to write on the paper.

"I, Shelby Marie Henderson (Jackson) pledge to take this child as my own, to care and to love, for as long as he/she shall live," Shelby wrote under mine

"All done," I said, handing the woman the stack of papers.

"Alright, Michael And soon to be Shelby Jackson, welcome your new baby, Sofia Katherine Jackson," the woman said

"I thought her name was Sofie," I said

"Well, that's what her parents called her, but her full name is Sofia," she said

"Well anyway, Shelby, we're finally parents!" I exclaimed.

"I can't believe it!" She said.

"Well I can, welcome to the family, Sofie Jackson," I said, picking up the baby carrier and kissing her little cheeks.

"I love you baby," Shelby said, kissing her cheeks as well.


"Shelby, I think we should show my parents," I said

"Okay sounds good," she said

At there house.

We knocked at the door.

"Oh hello Michael," my mother said

"We have a surprise," I said.

I picked Sofie up, and showed my mother.

"*gasps* you all adopted! I'm so happy! I'm a grandma again," she said.

"She's just beautiful, isn't she?" Shelby said

"Oh yes she is! Can I hold her?" She asked

"Oh course," I said, handing her the baby.

"Oh, she just has the prettiest eyes," she said, looking down at her.

The rest of the night we stayed at my parents house and played with Sofie.

A/N YES I KNOW THATS NOT HOW THE ADOPTION PROCESS GOES! I just didn't feel like looking up how it worked.... lol

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